Fedora Linux: A Complete Guide to Red Hats Community Distribution

7.1. Configuring Samba to Share Files with Windows Systems

Fedora can be configured to use Samba to serve files and printers to a wide range of Windows systems using Microsoft-compatible protocols.

Samba can be configured to work with a wide range of Windows versions and to serve resources in many different ways. This lab is focused on sharing files and printers with Windows XP systems in a small workgroup, which is a common scenario in home and small-business networks.

7.1.1. How Do I Do That?

To configure Samba, select the menu option SystemAdministrationServer SettingsSamba, which will open the window shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1. Samba configuration window

Click PreferencesServer Settings to open the small window shown at bottom right in Figure 7-1. Enter your local Windows workgroup name into the Workgroup field and click OK. The Samba server will be started automatically.

See Lab 4.7, "Managing Users and Groups," to create Fedora accounts for your users before enabling Samba access.

Next, select PreferencesSamba Users to bring up the user configuration dialog box shown in Figure 7-2. Click Add User, select an existing Linux user, enter a Windows username (which may be the same as the Linux username), and enter the Samba password of your choice twice. Click OK when youre done.

Figure 7-2. Samba user configuration

If you are using a firewall or have SELinux enforcing turned on, you will need to adjust your security settings to permit remote systems to access the Samba server (see Lab 8.2, "Using SELinux").

Your system will now be visible to local Windows computers; for example, on an XP system, click My Network Places and then "View workgroup computers," and your Fedora system will appear as an icon with the hostname that you have assigned to it, as shown in Figure 7-3. Click on the computer icon to see the folders being shared by the Fedora system (after you enter your Samba user ID and password to authenticate).

Figure 7-3. Windows XP workgroup display showing Samba shares from a Fedora system

The folder labeled homes contains the home directory of the authenticated Samba user, and the Printers and Faxes folder will contain all of the printers configured on the Fedora system.

Although the Samba configuration tool starts the Samba system, you'll need to enable the Samba service if you want Samba to start every time you boot your systemsee Lab 4.6, "Managing and Configuring Services." Adding additional Samba shares

To share an additional directory, start the Samba configuration tool (SystemAdministrationServer SettingsSamba) and click the Add button. The window shown in Figure 7-4 will appear.

Figure 7-4. Adding a Samba share

Under the Basic tab, enter the directory name, the name visible to the Windows systems (i.e., the share name), and a description of what is in the shared directory. Use the checkboxes to configure whether the directory is writable by Windows users, and whether it is visible when the Windows users are browsing using a tool such as Windows Explorer.

Under the Access tab, you can choose to make the directory available to all users, or you can go through the list of Samba users and select the specific ones you want to grant access to it. Click OK when you are done.

In order for a remote user to access a shared directory through Samba, that directory must have the appropriate permissions and SELinux context. Accessing Fedora printers from a Windows system

Fedora's default Samba configuration will make all printers available to Windows users. To use a shared Samba printer in Windows XP, follow these instructions.

Although you can access Fedora printers through Samba printer sharing, it's often faster and easier to access those printers directly through CUPS printer sharing, regardless of the operating system in use.

  1. Go to Printers and Faxes and then click "Add a Printer." The Add Printer Wizard will appear. Click Next to get past the introductory message, then select "A network printer, or a printer attached to another computer" for the printer type, and then click Next. Select "Browse for a Printer," and then click Next to see a list of computers on the local Windows network. Double-click on the name of the Fedora system, which will reveal the names of the printers on that system, as shown in Figure 7-5; double-click on the desired printer.

Figure 7-5. Adding a Samba printer to a Windows XP system

  1. You may receive a warning about installing printer drivers at this point. Click OK.

  2. Select the printer manufacturer and model. Click OK.

If you do not see the printer listed, you will need to insert the printer's driver CD, click Have Disk, and then select the disk location. When the list of printer models appears, select the one that matches the printer you are installing.

  1. If you already have a printer set up on the Windows system, you will be asked if the new printer should become the default. Choose Yes or No, and then click Next.

  2. Click Finish.

You will now be able to print to the printer from any Windows application. Configuring Samba from the command line

You can edit Samba's configuration from the command line instead of using the graphical configuration tool.

Samba's configuration file is /etc/samba/smb.conf, and it is a regular text file. Like most server programs, Samba has dozens of configuration options, which it calls parameters. This configuration file is divided into sections by lines of section names enclosed in square brackets (so, for example, the global configuration section starts with the line [global]). Lines that start with a pound sign (#) are treated as comments and ignored.

The workgroup name and server description are configured at the top of the global section:

[global] # workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name workgroup = bluesky # server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field server string = Samba Server

Set the workgroup name to the value used by the local Windows workgroup or domain. The server string description can be any descriptive value (change the default if you don't want people to know you're running a Linux system). The system name will be the same as the hostname.

By default, only home directories and printers will be shared. To add additional shares, add an additional share section to the end of the configuration file. There are many examples in the configuration file, such as this one:

# The following two entries demonstrate how to share a directory so that two # users can place files there that will be owned by the specific users. In this # setup, the directory should be writable by both users and should have the # sticky bit set on it to prevent abuse. Obviously this could be extended to # as many users as required. ;[myshare] ; comment = Mary's and Fred's stuff ; path = /usr/somewhere/shared ; valid users = mary fred ; public = no ; writable = yes ; printable = no ; create mask = 0765

From this template, you can see the basic format:

[ myshare ]

Name of the share as it will be seen by the Windows systems.

comment = Mary's and Fred's stuff

The description that will appear when browsing the share.

path = /usr/somewhere/shared

The directory to be shared.

valid users = mary fred public = no

Specifies who can access this share: specific users or everyone (public = yes). Either valid users or public should be enabled, but not both.

writable = yes printable = no browseable = yes

Determines what can be done with the share. writable controls whether the remote user can change or create files and directories, printable enables printing (not applicable to a regular directory share), and browseable enables the share to appear when the network user is browsing using a tool such as Windows Explorer.

create mask = 0765

Sets the octal permission that is applied to new files.

To allow read-only access to /usr/share/doc, for example, create this share:

[doc] comment = Documentation path = /usr/share/doc writeable = no browseable = yes guest ok = yes

You will need to adjust the SELinux context of the shared directory (see "Using SELinux" in Chapter 8 Lab 8.2, "Using SELinux in Chapter 8).

After editing the configuration file, restart or reload Samba to activate the changes:

# service smb reload Reloading smb.conf file: [ OK ]

To add Samba users, you must first create a Linux user account (see Lab 4.7, "Managing Users and Groups"), and then use the smbpasswd command with the add option, -a:

# smbpasswd -a frank New SMB password: FranklySpeaking Retype new SMB password: FranklySpeaking Added user frank.

To change the password, leave out the -a option:

# smbpasswd jane New SMB password: PrimeUser Retype new SMB password: PrimeUser

To delete a user, use the -x option:

# smbpasswd -x kim Deleted user kim.

7.1.2. How Does It Work?

Samba uses the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol suite and related protocols and programs developed by Microsoftmore recently grouped under the moniker Common Internet File System (CIFS). The name Samba is derived from the acronym SMB.

SMB and related protocols have been in use since the 1980s, but have changed significantly through the years. There are many different, incompatible implementations of the protocols present in various versions of Windows, and in particular, there are several ways of authenticating users. Many of Samba's configuration options relate to compatibility and user authentication.

Samba is implemented as two server daemons:


Provides NetBIOS name server services


Provides SMB/CIFS services

The graphical configuration tool for Samba is system-config-samba.

7.1.3. What About... ...disabling access to printers through Samba?

To prevent Samba from sharing your printers with Windows systems, delete (or comment out) this printer share in /etc/samba/smb.conf:

[printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba browseable = no # Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print ; guest ok = no ; writeable = no printable = yes

Restart or reload Samba to activate the change. ...accessing a Samba share on another Linux machine?

Use the PlacesNetwork Servers option on the GNOME menu (or go to smb:// in KDEs Konqueror) to browse Windows network shares, including Samba shares.

You can also mount Samba or Windows shares at the command line. To mount the share bluesky from the server pictures on the mount point /mnt/pictures:

# mount -t smb //bluesky/pictures /mnt/pictures

This invokes the smbmount command.

7.1.4. Where Can I Learn More?

  • The manpages for samba, smb.conf, smbd, nmbd, findsmb, smbmount, and smbumount

  • The files in /usr/share/samba*, especially /usr/share/samba*/Samba-Guide.pdf and /usr/share/samba*/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf

  • The Samba web site: http://www.samba.org/
