Computer Privacy Annoyances

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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y] [Z]

P2P virus

Pam Dixon's Job Search Privacy site

Passenger Name Records 2nd




     general rules

     Microsoft Office

     password protecting screensaver

     password-protected logon


patient directories

Patriot Act 2nd 3rd

     reading about PayPal accounts

PC Pitstop

PC-based DVR

Peacefire web site

pen register PeopleData, opting out permanently deleting files

Perry, Bobpersonal data     business inquiries     insulating

     movie rentals personal information, sharingpersonal privacy     in Washington, D.C personal searches personnel records     secured

PestPatrol spyware scanner

PGP 8.1 PGP Personal Desktop pharmaceutical companies 2nd

pharmaceutical profiling

phish detectors


     email 2nd     scams 2nd


     and address directories, unlisting     recording     tapping phone number phonebooks

Photo Fog

Photo Stopper


physical searches at airports


Pointsec Mobile Technologies


     attaching GPS tracking devices to vehicles without authorization from a court 2nd

police (continued)

     clearing arrest records 2nd

     demanding identification

     DNA for criminal investigation

     national IDs

     sealing arrest records policies, privacy at work

political cause or candidate, donating to

Politics, Center for Responsive

Ponemon Institute's Privacy Trust Surveys Ponemon, Larry 2nd 3rd pop-up blockers 2nd

pornography Post Office box postage stamps preference settings

prescriptions Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption Princeton Review priority ring Privacillaprivacy     at risk

         viewing computer activity

     banks and     doctors and     guards

     libraries and schools

     personal, in Washington, D.C

     policies 2nd

     practices     retail and

     state and federal laws     state-by-state guide to retail privacy laws

     traveling and     web sites     workplace Privacy Act of 1974 privacy and

privacy disclosure

Privacy Guard

Privacy Guardian for Windows

Privacy International

Privacy Journal 2nd

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) 2nd 3rd 4th

     Albertsons' pharmacy

     fact sheet

     protecting SSN

     state-by-state guide to retail privacy laws

     web site


     files and folders

     information versus public records     mail drop

     sector privacy rights

Proctor & Gamble

product warranty protection

products with RFID chips Protecting Intellectual Rights Against Theft and Expropriation (PIRATE) Act of 2004 (S.2237) Prozac

Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service public computers Public Interest Research Group Public Proxy Servers web site

Public Record Finder web sitepublic records     laws     versus private information Public Research Interest Group     web site public voter rolls

purchase histories, analyzing

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