Macromedia Flash 8 for Windows & Macintosh
Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z] Generate Size Report check box geometric shapes fills outlines GIF files appearance balancing size color control download speed publishing static or animated creation Global Functions category (Actions Toolbox) Global Security Settings tab (Flash Player) Goto and Stop dialog gradient-transform tool gradients center point file sizes fills center point resizing rotation linear, creating locked fills painting freeform shapes radial creating focal point unlocked fills graphics Color Mixer panel assign solid-color attributes color transparency defining new color linear gradients radial gradient color sets Color Swatches panel controlling overflow converting to symbols distorting free-transform tool symmetric fills adding strokes attributes locked gradients outline shape color fill paint-bucket tool panel settings unlocked gradients flipping formats imported by Flash freeform shapes brush tool fills gradient painting outlines pen tool pencil tool gradients center point fill rotation focal point resizing Hit-frame modifying motion tweening adding keyframes bouncing ball changing tween speed color effects Create Motion Tween command drawing-objects graphics that change size moving graphics along path orienting graphics to motion path rotating and spinning graphics versus shape tweening non-Flash bitmaps as fills importing turning bitmaps into vector graphics objects positioning bounding box Property Inspector visually resizing bounding box interactive Transform panel rotating Selection tool activating end of segment corner points reshaping curves straight lines to curves selections contact-sensitive rectangle deselecting items drawing-objects editing operations merge-shapes non-contact-sensitive rectangle setting preferences shape tweening bouncing ball morphing lines and fills multiple-shapes 2nd requirements shapes that move as changed transforming simple shapes to complex versus motion tweening shapes converting type Eraser tool freeform geometric hints tweening skewing strokes attributes ink-bottle tool Subselection tool adding anchor points to curve segment Bézier handles corner point to curve point conversion curve point to corner point conversion curve points delete anchor points moving corner points selecting anchor points viewing path and anchor points symbols animation file size saving animations as versus movie-clip symbols Tools panel Grid command (View menu) Grid dialog grids setting parameters show/hide grippers Group command (Modify menu) Group Panel command (Options menu) grouped panels creating tabbed open default panel set separating tabbed separating vertical vertically groups creating editing contents interaction prevention returning to ungrouped status shapes growing graphics, motion tweening guides layers 2nd show/hide utilizing Guides command (View menu) 2nd Guides dialog |