The Visual Basic .NET Programming Language
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The TypeOf operator determines whether a value is of a particular type or is derived from a particular type. This is particularly useful when you are dealing with values typed only as Object , or when working with types in an inheritance hierarchy. In the following example, a function that takes an Object value uses the TypeOf operator to determine the actual type of the value. Function AddOne(ByVal o As Object) As Object If TypeOf o Is Integer Then Return CInt(o) + 1 ElseIf TypeOf o Is Double Then Return CDbl(o) + 1 ' Handle the other types ... Else Throw New ArgumentException("Not a recognized value.") End If End Function
The GetType operator returns an instance of the System.Type class that represents the specified type. The System.Type class is a .NET Framework reflection class that can be used to inspect a type and its members at runtime. It can also be used with other reflection classes to do things like create instances of the class dynamically. Dim t As Type Dim c As Collection t = GetType(Collection) c = Activator.CreateInstance(t) This example dynamically creates an instance of the Collection class at runtime. |
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