MicrosoftВ® Office Access(TM) 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft Office Access Inside Out)

Throughout this book, you’ll see examples from three sample Office Access 2007 applications included on the companion CD:

Please note that the person names, company names, e-mail addresses, and Web site addresses in these databases are fictitious. Although we preloaded both databases with sample data, the Housing Reservations and Conrad Systems Contacts databases also include a special form (zfrmLoadData) that has code to load random data into the sample tables based on parameters that you supply.

The examples in this book assume you have installed the 2007 Microsoft Office system, not just Access 2007. Several examples also assume that you have installed all optional features of Access through the 2007 Office release setup program. If you have not installed these additional features, your screen might not match the illustrations in this book or you might not be able to run the samples from the companion CD.
