MicrosoftВ® Office Access(TM) 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft Office Access Inside Out)

You have the choice of importing or linking data from other databases, but how do you decide which type of access is best? Here are some guidelines.

You should consider importing another database file when any of the following is true.

On the other hand, you should consider linking another database file when any of the following is true.

Inside Out-Using Linked Tables in a Complex Application Is a Good Idea 

Even when we’re building an application that we know will be run by only a single user, we usually create a separate .accdb file that contains all the tables and link those tables back into the .accdb file that contains all our queries, forms, reports, and code. If we’ve been careful creating our original table design, we rarely have to change it. But users are always thinking up some new feature that they would like to have. We can add a new form or report and send the user an update without having to disturb all the data they’ve already entered.

If you look closely at the tables in the Conrad Systems Contacts sample database (Contacts.accdb), you can see that most of the tables have a little arrow next to the table icon in the Navigation Pane, like this:

This indicates that these tables are linked from another data source.


The samples in this chapter use data you can find in files on the companion CD. You can import the data into or export the data from the Conrad Systems Contacts or Housing Reservations databases. You might want to work from a copy of these databases to follow along with the examples in this chapter. You can find the result of following many of these examples in the ImportLink.accdb sample database, which contains a Companies table that has columns using nearly every available data type in Access.
