Excel 2007 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheets Bookshelf)
If you have difficulty installing or using any of the materials on the companion CD, try the following solutions:
Turn off any antivirus software that you may have running. Installers sometimes mimic virus activity and can make your computer incorrectly believe that it is being infected by a virus. (Be sure to turn the antivirus software back on later.)
Close all running programs. The more programs you're running, the less memory is available to other programs. Installers also typically update files and programs; if you keep other programs running, installation may not work properly.
Reference the ReadMe: Please refer to the ReadMe file located at the root of the CD-ROM for the latest product information at the time of publication.
If you still have trouble with the CD, please call the Customer Care phone number: 800-762-2974. Outside the United States, call 1-317-572-3994. You can also contact Customer Service via the Web at http://support.wiley.com. Wiley Publishing, Inc., will provide technical support only for installation and other general quality-control items; for technical support on an application, consult the program's vendor.