Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Inside Out
Data, 181–226
callouts of, 141
defining, 192–197
diagrams linked to, 9–10
in engineering diagram components, 890–893
entering, 190–192
ODBC source of, 780–783
for organization charts, 320–329
from existing files, 321–327
from new files, 327–329
reports of, 208–226
access, 224–225
charts in, 225–226
custom, 212–213
Excel information in, 219–222
formatting, 215–218
running, 209–212
saving definition of, 218–219
selecting contents of, 214
updating, 222–224
sets of shape, 197–208
applied to shapes, 204–205
defining, 198–203
deleting, 206–208
editing, 203–204
stencils for, 205–206
shape, 181–190
in master shapes, 184–185
ShapeSheet access to, 188–190
shapes with, 182–184
window for, 186–188, 883
unplaced, 827–828
Database Export Wizard, 785
Database Properties window, 619
Databases, 605–632
Import Data Wizard for, 845–851
modifying model of, 618–632
in data type specification, 625–627
in index, 631–632
in relationships and cardinality, 627–631
by tables and column editing, 620–625
via Database Properties window, 619
relational and object-relational, 605–612
reverse engineering of, 612–618
templates for, 6, 922–923
Databases, diagrams connected to, 777–800
exporting shape data to, 783–787
by linking, 787–795
limitations of, 787–788
managing shapes in, 795–800
to master shapes, 790–791
process of, 793–795
shortcut commands for, 791–792
tables for, 792–793
via ODBC Database command, 788–790
ODBC data source for, 780–783
shape-database connections for, 778–779
ShapeSheet information for, 779–780
Data Flow Diagram template, 294, 634–636
Data graphics, 10, 336–339
Data Selection Wizard, 222, 224, 799–800
Degree symbol, 506
Deployment diagram for UML model, 654–655
Developer Reference, 26
Developing Microsoft Visio Solutions, 26
Diagrams. See also Block diagrams; Databases; Databases, diagrams connected to; Engineering diagrams; Network diagrams; Shapes; Software systems
adding connectors to, 59–66
audit, 292, 297
centering, 276–278
copying styles to, 755–756
data linked to, 9–10
drag-and-drop function for, 6–7
in e-mail, 266–269
exporting, 242–246
fishbone, 308–311
in flowcharts, 294–295
locking, 265–266
models versus, 7–8
opening, 27–28
pivot, 9–11, 357–359
for PowerPoint presentations, 387–389
printing, 271–275, 282–283
Process Flow, 199
read-only, 264–265
sample, 8
Total Quality Management, 292, 297
types of, 11–15
Web site map added to, 447
work flow, 292, 297
Dictionaries, 134–135
Digital cameras, importing pictures from, 252–253
Directory diagrams, 436–438
Document management systems, 260, 263
Documents, opening, 27–30
Document workspaces, 243, 259–260
Doors, in floor plans, 579–585
to connect shapes, 66–67
embedded diagrams, 238
in flowcharts, 296
to Microsoft Office functions, 233, 236–237
to move diagrams, 6–7, 9, 31, 34
in organization charts, 315
from other applications, 253
pipelines, 886
to resize pages, 49–50
to select multiple shapes, 41
Drawing, 16–17, 28. See also Shapes, drawing
Drawing Explorer, 22
adding pages in, 48
layers viewed in, 511–512
shapes and, 21–22, 41
Drawing page, 18–19, 523–524
Drawing scale
of CAD drawings, 530, 534–537, 542
for precision measurement, 468–472
templates for, 685
Drawing (.vsd) files, 663–664
Drop and Connect Indicators, on shapes, 33
Drop-on-top feature, 315
Ductwork, in floor plans, 590–591
Dynamic Connector shape, 62–63, 419–420
Dynamic grid, 485–486