Professional DotNetNuke 4: Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
System tokens were introduced in Chapter 4 in the context of customizing portal e-mail templates (although they are also used for other purposes). The tables in this appendix identify and briefly describe the properties of each token. Recall that token properties may be referenced in e-mail templates using the pattern [Token:Property].
Table B-1 describes the HostSettings properties that are available for the token Host (such as [Host:ControlPanel]).
Property Name | Description |
AutoAccountUnlock | Number of minutes after which an account that has been locked due to successive failed login attempts will reset. |
ControlPanel | Determines whether the new 3.0+ Control Panel is displayed or version 2.0. |
Copyright | Determines whether the copyright information is displayed in the Page Title. (Y/N) |
DemoPeriod | Number of days that a demo portal will be active. |
DemoSignup | Determines whether users are allowed to sign up for a demo portal. (Y/N) |
DisableUsersOnline | Determines whether the the UsersOnline scheduler tasks are disabled. (Y/N) |
EnableModuleOnlineHelp | Determines whether the online help option for modules is enabled. (Y/N) |
EventLogBuffer | Determines whether buffering of event log entries is enabled. (Y/N) |
FileExtensions | List of acceptable file extensions that can be uploaded to the site using any of the file upload mechanisms. |
HelpURL | URL for online help. |
HostCurrency | Default currency used when making payments for host services. |
HostEmail | E-mail address of the portal host. |
HostFee | The base fee for site hosting. |
HostPortalId | ID of the default portal. |
HostSpace | Amount of file space allowed for an account in megabytes. |
HostTitle | Name of the hosting account. This name is used throughout the site for identifying the host. |
HostURL | URL for the host web site. |
ModuleCaching | Module caching method, either memory or disk (M/D). |
PaymentProcessor | Payment processing gateway used for handling payments from client sites. |
PerformanceSetting | Determines the optimization level (1–4) for site performance versus memory consumption. |
ProxyPort | Port number of the proxy server. |
ProxyServer | Server used for proxying web requests. |
SchedulePollingRate | Defines the interval between scheduled task execution cycles. |
SchedulerMode | Determines which method will execute scheduled tasks in the scheduling provider. |
SiteLogBuffer | How many items to hold in the SiteLog before purging the log to disk. |
SiteLogHistory | Number of days of activity to keep in the SiteLog. |
SiteLogStorage | Identifies storage location for the SiteLog (File or Database). |
SkinUpload | Determines whether skins can be uploaded by portal administrators. |
SMTPAuthentication | SMTP authentication method: Anonymous, Basic, or NTLM. |
SMTPServer | URL of the SMTP server used for sending e-mail messages. |
SMTPUsername | Name of user account used for sending messages. |
UseCustomErrorMessages | Determines whether the portal displays the standard DotNetNuke custom error messages or whether raw ASP.NET errors are shown. |
UseFriendlyUrls | Enables or disables the URL rewriter used for implementing FriendlyURLs. |
UsersOnlineTime | Length of the user's online buffer in minutes. If a user is inactive for this period of time, he or she will be marked as offline. |
The PortalSettings properties are available for the token Portal (such as [Portal:PortalId]). Table B-2 describes them.
Property Name | Description |
PortalId | ID of the current portal. |
PortalName | Name of the current portal. This name is used for branding the portal. |
HomeDirectory | Folder name associated with the current portal. The name is a relative path to the portal root directory. |
LogoFile | Graphic file used for displaying the portal logo. |
FooterText | Information displayed in the copyright skin object. |
ExpiryDate | Date that the hosting contract for the portal expires. |
UserRegistration | Determines whether user registration is required and whether the registration is private (accounts created by the portal administrator), public (users can register for their own account and gain immediate access), or verified (users can register their own account but only get access after verification of e-mail address). |
BannerAdvertising | Enables or disables use of default banner ads. |
Currency | Default currency used for portal services. |
AdministratorId | ID of the primary portal administrator. |
| E-mail address for the portal administrator (this is generally set to a support e-mail address). |
HostFee | Monthly charge the portal pays for hosting services. |
HostSpace | Maximum amount of disk space allocated to this web site. |
AdministratorRoleId | RoleId of the administrator's role for the portal. |
AdministratorRoleName | RoleName of the administrator's role for the portal. |
RegisteredRoleId | RoleId of the registered user's role for the portal. |
RegisteredRoleName | RoleName of the registered user's role for the portal. |
Description | Web site description. This information will be included in the meta tags used by search engines. |
KeyWords | Specific meta tag keywords. |
BackgroundFile | Graphic file used for the portal background. |
SiteLogHistory | How many days to keep the SiteLog history for the portal. |
AdminTabId | Page ID of the Admin page (PageId is the DotNetNuke 3 equivalent of TabID). This is the parent page for all portal administration pages. |
SuperTabId | Page ID of the Host page. This is the parent page for all host administration pages. |
SplashTabId | Page ID to use when no page is specified in the URL. |
HomeTabId | Page ID to use as the portal home page. If no SplashTabId is designated, the HomeTabId is used. |
LoginTabId | Page ID to use when the user selects the login link. This page should include the Login module. |
UserTabId | Page ID to use when registering users or editing user profiles. |
DefaultLanguage | Default locale of the web site. This will determine the language used when anonymous users visit the site. |
TimeZoneOffset | Time zone where the web server is located. |
Version | Build number for the current portal application. |
Table B-3 describes the UserInfo properties available for the token User (such as [User:UserID]).
Property Name | Description |
UserID | Unique identifier for a specific portal user. |
Username | Logon name of the specific user. |
FirstName | User's first name. |
LastName | User's last name. |
FullName | First name and last name with a single space between. |
PortalID | PortalID to which this user belongs. |
IsSuperUser | Does the user have Host permissions? |
AffiliateID | Identifies the link used to navigate to the portal. When a user follows an affiliate link and registers on the portal, a unique AffiliateID is then associated with the user. |
Table B-4 describes the UserMembership properties available for the token Membership (such as [Membership:Password]).
Property Name | Description |
Password | User's password if available. |
| E-mail address of the user. |
Username | Login name of the user. |
LastLoginDate | Last date/time the user logged in to the portal. |
CreatedDate | Date/time when the user account was created. |
Approved | If the user's account has been approved for access to the web site. |
LockedOut | If the user's account has been locked due to potential security issues. |
Table B-5 describes the UserProfile properties available for the Profile token (such as [Profile: FirstName]).
Property Name | Description |
FirstName | User's first name. |
LastName | User's last name. |
Street | Street address. |
City | City. |
Region | State, province, or region for the user. Primarily used for U.S. and Canada. |
PostalCode | Postal code for the user's mailing address. |
Country | Country where the user lives. |
Unit | Apartment, post office box, or suite for the user's address. |
Telephone | Telephone number for the user. |
Cell | Mobile phone number. |
Fax | Fax number. |
Website | Personal or corporate web site for the user. |
IM | Instant messenger contact ID. |
TimeZone | User's default time zone. This is used for translating times from the SiteLog. |
PreferredLocale | User's preferred locale. This determines the language used for all static content on the portal. |