Professional DotNetNuke 4: Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
Label control, 401
LAMP (Linux/Apache/mySQL/PHP) platform, IBuySpy Portal and, 2
language add-ons, 447, 473
Language Pack manifest file, 473–478
Language Editor, 126
Language Pack manifest file, 473–478
installation, 478
FTP-based, 480
web-based, 479–480
language resource file, 476
LanguagePack element, Language Pack manifest file, 474
[LANGUAGE] skin object, 429
languages. See also locales; localization
default, 125
Host and, 182–185
portal configuration, 125–131
license agreements, intellectual property, 33
BSD, 13
copyleft, 13
IBuySpy Workshop, 12–13
Open Source Definition, 13
lifecycle of callback (Client API), 316–321
Link Url setting, 119
Links module, 92, 208, 210
[LINKS] skin object, 428
Linux, Web Hosters and, 30
Lists, Host and, 187–188
loading skins, 418–423
Local Resources, localization, 327
locales, 326. See also languages
localization. See also languages
framework, 182
GetString method, 328–329
GetSystemMessage method, 330–335
methods, 328
modules, 335–340
images, 339–340
static strings in ASCX file, 336
static text in server controls, 336–338
static text, handling programmatically, 338–339
overview, 325–327
RESX files, 326
Application Resources, 327
Global Resources, 327
Local Resources, 327
LocalResourceFile property, 387
Log Viewer, 144–145
Host and, 168–170
LogController class, 244
LogDetailInfo class, 244
LogException method, 257–258
entries, properties, 246
event log classification, 244
event logging
controller classes, 245–253
introduction, 243
log types, 244
Logging Provider API, 243–244
LoggingProvider class, 244
Portal Administrator, 96–97
security, ASP.NET 2.0, 238, 288
Login Page setting, page management, 109
[LOGIN] skin object, 428
LogInfo class, 244
LogInfoArray class, 245
Logo Site Setting, 107
logo, branding and, 39
logo, Site Wizard, 103–104
LogProperties class, 245
LogTypeConfigInfo class, 245
LogTypeInfo class, 245
Lucarino, John (designer), 4