DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
| By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner 1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM
DocBook: The Definitive Guide | ||
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CiteTitle -- The title of a cited work
Mixed Content Model
CiteTitle ::= ((#PCDATA|FootnoteRef|XRef|Abbrev|Acronym|Citation|CiteRefEntry| CiteTitle|Emphasis|FirstTerm|ForeignPhrase|GlossTerm|Footnote| Phrase|Quote|Trademark|WordAsWord|Link|OLink|ULink|Action| Application|ClassName|Command|ComputerOutput|Database|Email| EnVar|ErrorCode|ErrorName|ErrorType|Filename|Function|GUIButton| GUIIcon|GUILabel|GUIMenu|GUIMenuItem|GUISubmenu|Hardware| Interface|InterfaceDefinition|KeyCap|KeyCode|KeyCombo|KeySym| Literal|Constant|Markup|MediaLabel|MenuChoice|MouseButton| MsgText|Option|Optional|Parameter|Prompt|Property|Replaceable| ReturnValue|SGMLTag|StructField|StructName|Symbol|SystemItem| Token|Type|UserInput|VarName|Anchor|Author|AuthorInitials| CorpAuthor|ModeSpec|OtherCredit|ProductName|ProductNumber| RevHistory|Comment|Subscript|Superscript|InlineGraphic| InlineMediaObject|InlineEquation|Synopsis|CmdSynopsis| FuncSynopsis|IndexTerm)+)
Common attributes
Name | Type | Default |
Pubwork | Enumeration: ArticleBookChapterJournalManuscriptPartRefEntrySectionSeriesSet | None |
Tag Minimization
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
Parameter Entities
CiteTitle provides inline markup for the title of a cited work.
Processing expectations
Formatted inline. Often italicized for Books and quoted for Articles.
Future Changes
The InterfaceDefinition element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available in the content model of this element.
These elements contain CiteTitle: Application, ArtHeader, Attribution, BiblioEntry, BiblioMisc, BiblioMixed, BiblioMSet, BiblioSet, BookBiblio, BookInfo, BridgeHead, Citation, CiteTitle, Comment, DocInfo, Emphasis, entry, ForeignPhrase, GlossSee, GlossSeeAlso, GlossTerm, LineAnnotation, Link, LiteralLayout, LoTentry, Member, MsgAud, ObjectInfo, OLink, Para, Phrase, Primary, PrimaryIE, ProductName, ProgramListing, Quote, RefEntryTitle, RefPurpose, RefSect1Info, RefSect2Info, RefSect3Info, RefSynopsisDivInfo, Screen, ScreenInfo, Secondary, SecondaryIE, Sect1Info, Sect2Info, Sect3Info, Sect4Info, Sect5Info, SectionInfo, See, SeeAlso, SeeAlsoIE, SeeIE, Seg, SegTitle, SeriesInfo, SetInfo, SimPara, Subtitle, Synopsis, Term, Tertiary, TertiaryIE, Title, TitleAbbrev, ToCback, ToCentry, ToCfront, ULink.
The following elements occur in CiteTitle: Abbrev, Acronym, Action, Anchor, Application, Author, AuthorInitials, Citation, CiteRefEntry, CiteTitle, ClassName, CmdSynopsis, Command, Comment, ComputerOutput, Constant, CorpAuthor, Database, Email, Emphasis, EnVar, ErrorCode, ErrorName, ErrorType, Filename, FirstTerm, Footnote, FootnoteRef, ForeignPhrase, FuncSynopsis, Function, GlossTerm, GUIButton, GUIIcon, GUILabel, GUIMenu, GUIMenuItem, GUISubmenu, Hardware, IndexTerm, InlineEquation, InlineGraphic, InlineMediaObject, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, KeyCap, KeyCode, KeyCombo, KeySym, Link, Literal, Markup, MediaLabel, MenuChoice, ModeSpec, MouseButton, MsgText, OLink, Option, Optional, OtherCredit, Parameter, Phrase, ProductName, ProductNumber, Prompt, Property, Quote, Replaceable, ReturnValue, RevHistory, SGMLTag, StructField, StructName, Subscript, Superscript, Symbol, Synopsis, SystemItem, Token, Trademark, Type, ULink, UserInput, VarName, WordAsWord, XRef.
In some contexts, the following elements are allowed anywhere: BeginPage, IndexTerm.
In some contexts, the following elements are excluded: Acronym, Footnote, IndexTerm.
- Pubwork
Pubwork identifies the genre of the cited publication.
See Also
Citation, CiteRefEntry
<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> <para> For a complete methodology for DTD creation, see <citetitle pubwork="book">Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup</citetitle> by Eve Maler and Jeanne El Andaloussi. </para>
For a complete methodology for DTD creation, see Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup by Eve Maler and Jeanne El Andaloussi.
For additional examples, see also Emphasis, Footnote, LiteralLayout, ProductNumber, ULink.
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