Data Mining: Opportunities and Challenges
William H. Hsu, Kansas State University USA
In this chapter, I discuss the problem of feature subset selection for supervised inductive learning approaches to knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), and examine this and related problems in the context of controlling inductive bias. I survey several combinatorial search and optimization approaches to this problem, focusing on data-driven, validation-based techniques. In particular, I present a wrapper approach that uses genetic algorithms for the search component, using a validation criterion based upon model accuracy and problem complexity, as the fitness measure. Next, I focus on design and configuration of high-level optimization systems (wrappers) for relevance determination and constructive induction, and on integrating these wrappers with elicited knowledge on attribute relevance and synthesis. I then discuss the relationship between this model selection criterion and those from the minimum description length (MDL) family of learning criteria. I then present results on several synthetic problems on task-decomposable machine learning and on two large-scale commercial data-mining and decision-support projects: crop condition monitoring, and loss prediction for insurance pricing. Finally, I report experiments using the Machine Learning in Java (MLJ) and Data to Knowledge (D2K) Java-based visual programming systems for data mining and information visualization, and several commercial and research tools. Test set accuracy using a genetic wrapper is significantly higher than that of decision tree inducers alone and is comparable to that of the best extant search-space based wrappers.
This chapter introduces the problems for change of representation (Benjamin, 1990) in supervised inductive learning. I address the focal problem of inductive learning in data mining and present a multi-strategy framework for automatically improving the representation of learning problems. This framework incorporates methodological aspects of feature subset selection and feature (attribute) partitioning, automated problem decomposition, and model selection. The focus is on wrapper-based methods as studied in recent and continuing research. As an example, I present a new metric-based model selection approach (composite learning) for decomposable learning tasks. The type of data for which this approach is best suited is heterogeneous, time series data that arising from multiple sources of data (as in sensor fusion or multimodal human-computer interaction tasks, for example). The rationale for applying multi-strategy learning to such data is that, by systematic analysis and transformation of learning tasks, both the efficiency and accuracy of classifier learning may be improved for certain time series problems. Such problems are referred to in this chapter as decomposable; the methods addressed are: task decomposition and subproblem definition, quantitative model selection, and construction of hierarchical mixture models for data fusion. This chapter presents an integrated, multi-strategy system for decomposition of time series classifier learning tasks. A typical application for such a system is learning to predict and classify hazardous and potentially catastrophic conditions. This prediction task is also known as crisis monitoring, a form of pattern recognition that is useful in decision support or recommender systems (Resnick & Varian, 1997) for many time-critical applications. Examples of crisis monitoring problems in the industrial, military, agricultural, and environmental sciences are numerous. They include: crisis control automation (Hsu et al., 1998), online medical diagnosis (Hayes-Roth et al., 1996), simulation-based training and critiquing for crisis management (Gaba et al., 1992; Grois, Hsu, Voloshin, & Wilkins et al., 1998), and intelligent data visualization for real-time decision-making (Horvitz & Barry, 1995).
Motivation: Control of Inductive Bias
The broad objectives of the approach I present here are to increase the robustness of inductive machine learning algorithms and develop learning systems that can be automatically tuned to meet the requirements of a knowledge discovery (KD) performance element. When developers of learning systems can map a KD application to a set of automatic higher-order parameter-turning problems, the reuse of design and code embodied by this generalization over traditional learning can reduce development costs. When addressing KD problems in computational science and engineering, the time required to develop an effective representation and to tune these hyperparameters using training and validation data sets can be a significant fraction of the development time of the KD system, exceeding the time required to apply traditional learning algorithms with fixed hyperparameters and bias parameters. This setting introduces new flexibility and complexity into the learning problem and may extend the expected useful lifetime of the system. For example, if the learning component is made more adaptable through automated performance tuning, then the overall system, not merely the learning algorithms it uses, may last longer than one tailored to a specific data set or problem domain. Thus it becomes subject to traditional maintenance and evolution. On the other hand, performance tuning may reduce the development time of highly specialized KD systems as well, by identifying and constructing relevant variables. In this case, reducing the cost of developing the more limited-use software can, in turn, significantly reduce that of solving the intended scientific or engineering problem. In many real-world KD applications, it is preferable to automatically tune some but not all of the available bias parameters to prevent overfitting of training data. This is because the computational time savings for the performance element (e.g., prediction, classification, or pattern detection function) and marginal gains in solution quality (e.g., utility or accuracy) do not make it worthwhile to fine-tune some bias parameters that are less significant for the learning problem. A significant component of development costs is related to reducing wasted development time and computation time by making the entire programming systems product (Brooks, 1995) responsive and adaptable to end-user needs. Combinatorial search and statistical validation over representations, visualization of the models and their relation to quantitative inductive bias (Benjamin, 1990; Mitchell, 1997), and high-level user interfaces for KD can be applied to achieve these goals. A major motivation for the automation of problem transformation is transparency. The end user of a KD system is often a specialist in scientific, engineering, or business-related technical fields other than intelligent systems and machine learning. He or she knows the requirements of the application in terms of the performance element, an analytical function that can: predict the continuation of a historical time series; detect anomalous conditions in a time annotated episodic log; classify, diagnose, or explain set of database records; make a recommendation for a business or medical decision; or generate a plan, schedule, or design. These predictors, anomaly detectors, classifiers, diagnostic and recommender systems, policies, and other problem solvers have their own performance measures, perhaps including real-time requirements, which in turn dictate those of the learning system. This suggests that more robust KD may be achieved by letting the end user specify requirements pertaining to the performance element and automatically generating specifications for the desired representation and higher-order parameters to be tuned. In this way, the improvement of problem representation by automated transformation can be driven by users' specified time and resource constraints. The research covered in this chapter focuses on demonstrating, through development of a learning enhancement framework and through empirical evaluation, that these broad objectives can be achieved for a wide variety of real-world KD applications. This research thrust has two main objectives: assessing the breadth of applicability of automatic transformation of learning problems by training the resultant models and applying them to large-scale KD problems over real-world data sets, and developing information visualization techniques to help users understand this process of improving problem representations.
Attribute-Driven Problem Decomposition: Subset Selection and Partition Search
Many techniques have been studied for decomposing learning tasks, to obtain more tractable subproblems, and to apply multiple models for reduced variance. This section examines attribute-based approaches for problem reformulation, especially partitioning of input attributes in order to define intermediate concepts (Fu & Buchanan, 1985) in problem decomposition. This mechanism produces multiple subproblems for which appropriate models must be selected; the trained models can then be combined using classifier fusion models adapted from bagging (Breiman, 1996), boosting (Freund & Schapire, 1996), stacking (Wolpert, 1992), and hierarchical mixture models (Jordan & Jacobs, 1994). One of the approaches we shall examine in this chapter uses partitioning to decompose a learning task into parts that are individually useful (using aggregation as described in the background section of this chapter), rather than to reduce attributes to a single useful group. This permits new intermediate concepts to be formed by unsupervised learning methods such as conceptual clustering (Michalski & Stepp, 1983) or cluster formation using self-organizing algorithms (Kohonen, 1990; Hsu et al., 2002). The newly defined problem or problems can then be mapped to one or more appropriate hypothesis languages (model specifications). In our new system, the subproblem definitions obtained by partitioning of attributes also specify a mixture estimation problem (i.e., data fusion step occurs after training of the models for all the subproblems).
Subproblem Definition
The purpose of attribute partitioning is to define intermediate concepts and subtasks of decomposable time series learning tasks, which can be mapped to the appropriate submodels. In both attribute subset selection and partitioning, attributes are grouped into subsets that are relevant to a particular task: the overall learning task or a subtask. Each subtask for a partitioned attribute set has its own inputs (the attribute subset) and its own intermediate concept. This intermediate concept can be discovered using unsupervised learning methods, such as self-organizing feature maps (Kohonen, 1990; Hsu et al., 2002) and k-means clustering (Duda et al., 2000). Other methods, such as competitive clustering or vector quantization using radial basis functions (Haykin, 1999), neural trees (Li et al., 1993) and similar models (Ray & Hsu, 1998; Duda et al., 2000), principal components analysis (Watanabe, 1985; Haykin, 1999), Karhunen-Lo ve transforms (Watanabe, 1985), or factor analysis (Watanabe, 1985), can also be used. Attribute partitioning is used to control the formation of intermediate concepts in this system. Whereas attribute subset selection yields a single, reformulated learning problem (whose intermediate concept is neither necessarily nor intentionally different from the original concept), attribute partitioning yields multiple learning subproblems (whose intermediate concepts may or may not differ, but are simpler by design when they do). The goal of this approach is to find a natural and principled way to specify how intermediate concepts should be simpler than the overall concept.
Metric-Based Model Selection and Composite Learning
Model selection is the problem of choosing a hypothesis class that has the appropriate complexity for the given training data (Stone, 1977; Schuurmans, 1997). Quantitative methods for model selection have previously been used to learn using highly flexible nonparametric models with many degrees of freedom, but with no particular assumptions on the structure of decision surfaces. The ability to decompose a learning task into simpler subproblems prefigures a need to map these subproblems to the appropriate models. The general mapping problem, broadly termed model selection, can be addressed at very minute to very coarse levels. This chapter examines quantitative, metric-based approaches for model selection at a coarse level. This approach is a direct extension of the problem definition and technique selection process (Engels et al., 1998). We will henceforth use the term model selection to refer to both traditional model selection and the metric-based methods for technique selection as presented here. We begin with background on the general framework of inductive bias control and then survey time series learning architectures, their representation biases (Witten & Frank, 2000), and methods for selecting them from a collection of model components.
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