Invasion of Privacy! Big Brother and the Company Hackers


salespeople, dopplegangers, 33

Sankus, John, warez, 138 “139

satellites , cyber-terrorists, 127

SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), 117 “118

scams.See frauds

ScamWatch Web site, 123

scanning.See detecting

ScreenNow Web site, 59

Script (hacker), 115

script, Windows Crasher Shell Script, 102 “103

script kiddies, 109 “110

seals, VeriSign trust, 23 “25

search engines. See

searches (public zone), 248 “249

Secret Service, catching con men, 176 “177

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 231 “232, 242


Apple, 143 “144, 149

auctions, 238 “242

bankruptcies, 36

Black Hat Briefings seminars , 105, 108, 18 “129

checkpoints, 248 “249

Clarke, Richard, 128 “129

companies, 125 “127

computers.See computers

consultants , 120, 125 “126

Foundstone, 125 “127

Norton Antivirus, 125, 211 “213

Symantec, 125

dopplegangers.See dopplegangers

Help Net Security, 122

insurance cards, 96 “97

Internet, 224 “225

Kurtz, George, 143 “144, 149

Microsoft, 143, 149

patches, Microsoft, 123 “124, 205 “207

privacy agreements.See privacy agreements

privacy zones.See privacy zones

psychology, habits, 25

security pyramid, 100 “102, 119 “120

security through obscurity advocates, 121

Social Security numbers , 96 “97

spam, 232 “233

spyware.See spyware

SSL, 242

surveillance.See surveillance

U.S., Clarke, Richard, 128 “129

USA Patriot Act, 225

VeriSign trust seals, 23 “25

Web sites, 122 “123

Web spoofing, 238 “242

White Hat Briefings seminars, 108

white hat hackers.See white hat hackers

ZoneAlarm, 23, 210 “211, 213 “214

SecurityFocus Web site, 123

sewage treatment, cyber-terrorists, 117

Sheer, Sgt. Frank, 90 “91

skimmers (public zone), 251

Smith, Jason

catching con men, 172 “180

FBI, 176

Kirsch, Steve, 180

police, 176 “179

private investigators , 175 “176

reverse cell phone lookups, 175

Secret Service, 176 “177

Sobig.F virus, cyber-terrorists, 116

Social Security numbers, security, 96 “97


antivirus, 211 “213

deleting, 200 “202

cookies, 228 “231

Disk Cleanup, 202

Disk Defragment, 203


firewalls, 213 “214

spyware, 81, 144 “145, 212 “213, 237 “238

spyware, 83

Amazon Alexa Toolbar, 169

applications, 83

clipboards, 83

Desktop Messenger, 143, 149

detecting, 77 “78, 81, 207 “211, 230

disabling, 215 “218

employers , 253

Go!zilla, 79 “81

Google, 217 “218

grid computing, 78 “79

information brokers , 148 “152

installing, 81, 144 “145, 212 “213, 237 “238

instant messagers, 83, 236 “237

iSpyNOW, 82 “83

keystrokes, 83

Logitech, 143 “149, 207 “211

Macintosh, 83

Microsoft, 210

MusicMatch Jukebox, 216 “217

spam blockers, 233

Spector, 83

Trojan horses, 82

UNIX, 83

Web sites, 83

WildTangent, 143 “149, 207 “211

windows, 83

Windows Media Player, 215 “216

Start menu, 198 “199

VeriSign trust seals, 23 “25

ZoneAlarm, 23, 210 “211, 213 “214

spam, 57

blockers, 233

deleting, 234, 57 “64

class action lawsuit, 56 “57, 63 “65, 68 “69, 233

do not call lists, 68

Internet Emergency Response Network, 65 “66

investigating, 59, 69 “70

Kevin Katz, 64 “69

missing children, 65 “66

removal numbers, 60

Steve Kirsch chronology, 57 “61

violations, 61

war dialers, 62

filters, 234 “236

Netscape, 234

Outlook, 234

preview panes, 234

security, 232 “233

spyware, 233

Spector spyware, 83

Speedbit Download Accelerator Plus, 81

SpinRite (Gibson, Steve), information brokers, 149 “152

Sprint, cheap-toothpick syndrome, 153

Spybot, 81, 230

Spychecker Web site, 77 “78, 237 “238

spying .See spyware; surveillance


Amazon Alexa Toolbar, 169

detecting, 77 “78, 81, 207 “211, 230

Desktop Messenger, 143, 149

information brokers, 148

Logitech, 143 “149, 207 “211

WildTangent, 143 “149, 207 “211

disabling, 215 “218

employers, 253

Go!zilla, 79 “81

Google, 217 “218

grid computing, 78 “79

information brokers, 149 “152

installing software, 81, 144 “145, 212 “213, 237 “238

instant messagers, 236 “237

iSpyNOW, 82 “83

Microsoft, WildTangent, 210

MusicMatch Jukebox, 216 “217

spam, 233

spam blockers, 233

Spector, 83

Windows Media Player, 215 “216

SpywareInfo Web site, 123, 237 “238 Web site, 59

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 231 “232, 242

St. John, Alex, 145

Start menu, files/programs, 198 “199

startup, configuring, 219 “220

states, FTC, 72 “73

stolen credit card auctions, 114 “115

storyboards, 160

subscriptions, dopplegangers, 32

supermarkets, dopplegangers, 33 Web site, 59

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), 117 “118

surveillance.See also information brokers; privacy agreements

ACLU, 88

advertising, 20 “21

aerial , 89 “91

business, 20 “21

CCTV, 87 “89, 252 “254

computers, 253

cyber-terrorists, 116

DVR, information brokers, 154 “156

employers, 84, 252 “253

government, 20 “21

image stabilization technology, 89 “91

institutions, 17, 20 “21

Jane C Subject profile, 11 “16

law enforcement, 253 “254

media, 20 “21, 252 “253

players, 20 “21

presence awareness technology, 86


Amazon Alexa Toolbar, 169

applications, 83

clipboards, 83

Desktop Messenger, 143, 149

detecting, 77 “78, 81, 207 “211, 230

disabling, 215 “218

employers, 253

Go!zilla, 79 “81

Google, 217 “218

grid computing, 78 “79

information brokers, 148 “152

installing software, 81, 144 “145, 212 “213, 237 “238

instant messagers, 83, 236 “237

iSpyNOW, 82 “83

keystrokes, 83

Logitech, 143 “149, 207 “211

Macintosh, 83

Microsoft, 210

MusicMatch Jukebox, 216 “217

spam blockers, 233

Spector, 83

Trojan horses, 82

UNIX, 83

Web sites, 83

WildTangent, 143 “149, 207 “211

windows, 83

Windows Media Player, 215 “216

technology, 20 “21

telephones, 252

TiVo, information brokers, 154 “156

travel, 253 “254

Wescam, 89 “91

Symantec, 125, 211 “213

system restore (computers), 191 “193, 210 “211
