Web Caching

only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile

Web Caching



  Harvest project
  hash functions  ,  2nd
  Cache Digests and
  HEADER section (HTCP)
  headers (of HTTP messages)
  manipulating with Apache module
  HFC field (Cache Digests)
  hierarchies  ,  2nd
  designing a caching system and
  freshness between members of
  reasons for joining
  reasons not to join
  HIT opcode (ICP)
  hit ratios
  as benchmarking metric
  data analysis of
  low, hierarchies and
  popularity and
  sample benchmarking results for
  HIT_OBJ feature (ICP)
  HIT_OBJ opcode (ICP)

       See : false hits hits

  predicting, ICP and
  validated vs. unvalidated
  hop-to-hop headers
  hot spare
  HTCP (Hypertext Caching Protocol)  ,  2nd
  data types
  message format for
  opcodes for
  query rate of, monitoring
HTTP headers
  data analysis of
  important for caching
  HTTP requests
  layer four switches and

       See : status codes   HTTP server response codes/HTTP status codes

  HTTP transport protocol
  data analysis of
  interoperation problems with
  HTTP/1.1 draft standard document
  copyrights and
  httperf benchmarking tool

       See : HTCP   Hypertext Caching Protocol

       See : entries at HTTP   Hypertext Transfer Protocol

only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile
