Working with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Basic. See Visual Basic .NET
Basic.cs add-in example, 114-115
Batch Build dialog box, 31
BeforeClosing event, SolutionsEvent object, 159
BeforeKeyPress events, 259-261
bitmaps, 148-150
Block formatting option, 41
BottomPoint property, 253
formatting options, 41
matching, 49
indicators in Code Editor, 35
sharing, 22
Brief keyboard shortcut scheme, 40
build configurations
Activate method, 184
AddPlatform method, 191
Any CPU platform, 190
BuildDependency objects, 187-189
ConfigurationManager object, 190-192
creating new, 191
creating new solution configurations, 183
cyclic dependency, 187
debug, 183-184, 192
events, 193-194
finding project configurations, 190
naming solution configurations, 184
platforms supported, 190
project configurations, 183-185, 190-192
project dependencies, 186-189
project properties, 192
propagating solution configurations, 184
release, 183, 184, 192
retrieving by type, 190-191
root object for, 183
selecting by name, 184
setup projects, 191
ShouldBuild property, 185
solution configurations, 183-185
SolutionConfiguration objects, 183-185
SolutionContexts property, 184-185
startup projects, 185-186
build events, 193-194
Batch Build dialog box, 31
cleaning output files, 31
configurations. See build configurations
OnBuildDone event, 193
OnBuildProjConfigBegin event, 193
output path property, 25
Post-Build Event properties, 28
rebuild command, 31
scenarios, configuring for, 30
setting environmental variables, 13
Visual C++ options, 28
adding to command bars, 147-148
bitmaps for, 148-150