Fast Track UML 2.0
The following table lists all the built-in UML stereotypes referenced in this book.
‚ «abstraction ‚ » | Dependency | The client is at one level of abstraction and the supplier is at a different level. |
‚ «access ‚ » | Dependency | The source package adds model elements that have private visibility from the target package. |
‚ «actor ‚ » | Class | The class is a role that a user can play with regard to a system or an entity, such as another system or a database, that resides outside the system. |
‚ «artifact ‚ » | Class | The class represents a physical piece of information, such as a model, a file, or a table, used or produced by a software development process. |
‚ «auxiliary ‚ » | Class | The class provides secondary logic or control flow. |
‚ «bind ‚ » | Dependency | The dependency binds a set of actual parameters to a template's formal parameters. |
‚ «buildComponent ‚ » | Component | The given set of components have been grouped for organizational or system-level development purposes. |
‚ «call ‚ » | Dependency | The source operation invokes the target operation. |
‚ «component ‚ » | Class | The class is a named physical and replaceable part of a system that represents the physical packaging and implementation of otherwise logical elements. |
‚ «create ‚ » | Dependency | The source class creates one or more instances of the target class. |
‚ «datastore ‚ » | Activity node | The node handles persistent information. |
‚ «dataType ‚ » | Class | The class is a set of values that have no identities and that can't be changed by operations. |
‚ «decisionInput ‚ » | Decision node | The associated node specifies the decision criterion for proceeding down each outgoing activity edge. |
‚ «deployment spec ‚ » | Class | The class specifies a set of properties that determine the execution parameters of, say, a component deployed to a particular node. |
‚ «derive ‚ » | Dependency | The client can be computed or inferred from the supplier. |
‚ «device ‚ » | Node | The node is a physical computational resource with processing capability upon which artifacts may be deployed for execution. |
‚ «document ‚ » | Artifact | The artifact contains useful information about the system being modeled that's not part of any of the models themselves . |
‚ «entity ‚ » | Component | The component holds persistent information related to a particular business concept. |
‚ «enumeration ‚ » | Class | The class is an ordered set of literals. |
‚ «executable ‚ » | Artifact | The artifact is executable software. |
‚ «execution environment ‚ » | Node | The node offers an environment for the execution of specific types of components that are deployed on it, in the form of executable artifacts. |
‚ «extend ‚ » | Dependency | The source use case implicitly includes the behavior of the target use case at one or more extension points. |
‚ «file ‚ » | Artifact | The artifact is a physical file of some kind. |
‚ «flow ‚ » | Dependency | One or more information items circulate from the source(s) to the target(s). |
‚ «focus ‚ » | Class | The class provides primary logic or control flow. |
‚ «framework ‚ » | Package | The contents of the package, taken together, represent an architectural pattern that provides an extensible template for applications within a domain. |
‚ «implement ‚ » | Component | The component implements a class identified by a specification (see ‚ «specification ‚ »). |
‚ «implementationClass ‚ » | Class | The class provides a static physical implementation of its objects. |
‚ «import ‚ » | Dependency | The source package adds model elements that have public visibility from the target package. |
‚ «include ‚ » | Dependency | The source use case explicitly includes the behavior of the target use case at a specified point within a course of action. |
‚ «information ‚ » | Class | The class represents some pieces of information that can be exchanged between objects at a fairly high level of abstraction. |
‚ «instantiate ‚ » | Dependency | One or more methods belonging to instances of the source class create instances of the target class. |
‚ «interface ‚ » | Class or Component | The stereotyped class or component is actually a collection of operations with no implementations . |
‚ «library ‚ » | Artifact | The artifact contains a static or dynamic object library (for instance, a Windows Dynamic Link Library [DLL]) |
‚ «localPostcondition ‚ » | Action | The condition must hold true when execution of the action ends. |
‚ «localPrecondition ‚ » | Action | The condition must hold true when execution of the action begins. |
‚ «manifest ‚ » | Dependency | The target artifact represents the concrete physical realization of one or more source classes. |
‚ «metaclass ‚ » | Class | All instances of the class are themselves classes. |
‚ «modelLibrary ‚ » | Dependency | The client package is using the source package as a library of shared model elements. |
‚ «permit ‚ » | Dependency | The supplier grants the client permission to access some or all of its constituent elements. |
‚ «primitive ‚ » | Class | The class is a built-in data type. |
‚ «process ‚ » | Component | The component is transaction based. |
‚ «profile ‚ » | Package | The package contains model elements that have been customized for a particular platform, domain, or purpose. |
‚ «realize ‚ » | Dependency | The supplier serves as the implementation of the client. |
‚ «refine ‚ » | Dependency | The supplier is at a lower level of abstraction than the client. |
‚ «represents ‚ » | Dependency | A collaboration occurrence represents some behavior offered by a class. |
‚ «responsibility ‚ » | Dependency | The client has some kind of obligation to the supplier. |
‚ «script ‚ » | Artifact | The artifact is a script file that can be interpreted by a system. |
‚ «send ‚ » | Dependency | Instances of the source class send signals to instances of the target class. |
‚ «service ‚ » | Component | The component is stateless; its only purpose is to compute some value. |
‚ «signal ‚ » | Class | The class represents a request of some kind that an object belonging to that class dispatches asynchronously to one or more other objects. |
‚ «source ‚ » | Artifact | The artifact contains source code. |
‚ «specification ‚ » | Class | The class specifies the characteristics of a set of objects without defining the physical implementation of those objects. |
‚ «stereotype ‚ » | Class | The class is itself a stereotype that can be applied to other elements of a model. |
‚ «substitute ‚ » | Dependency | The client will comply with the contract specified by the supplier at program execution time. |
‚ «subsystem ‚ » | Package | The package represents an independent part of the system being modeled. |
‚ «systemModel ‚ » | Package | The package contains a collection of models that, taken together, model the entire system. |
‚ «trace ‚ » | Dependency | There is a conceptual connection among elements contained within different models. |
‚ «use ‚ » | Dependency | The client requires the presence of the supplier for its correct functioning or implementation. |
‚ «utility ‚ » | Class | The attributes and operations that belong to the class define data, or operate on data, for the class as a whole. |