The AMA Trainers Activity Book: A Selection of the Best Learning Exercises from the Worlds Premiere Training Organization


Davis, Scott, 179, 191

Day, Dinah, 83, 84, 89-90


in "Become the Audience" activity, 94

in "The Disinclined Decision Maker: Partner Role Play Case Study" activity

in "Focused Listening" activity, 112-113

in "Identifying and Leveraging Hidden Strengths" activity, 54-55

in "Managing A Simple Analytical Project" activity, 197-198

in "Putting Together the Pieces" activity, 165-166

Debriefing activity. See "Closing Game for Success!" activity

Debts and Lessons (Marcus Aurelius), 59

Decision-making skills, activities for promotion of

"Building a Positive Work Environment", 227-232

magic tricks, 208

Delegating skills, activity for development of, 115-124

"Developing the Seminar Roadmap" activity, 3-9

learning objectives of, 4

materials needed for, 5

preparation for, 5-6

procedure, 6-7

room set up for, 5

skills targeted by, 3

time required for, 5

trainee benefits of, 4

"The Disinclined Decision Maker: Partner Role Play Case Study", 115-124

learning objectives of, 116

materials needed for, 116

preparation for, 117

procedure, 117-122

Don Decide trainee handout, 121-122

Ida Wantaworry trainee handout, 119-120

skills targeted by, 115

time required for, 117

trainee benefits of, 116

"Do As I Do" magic trick, 219-220

Don Decide (handout), 121-122
