Easy Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

Select the text you want to copy.

Click Edit , and then select the Copy command. Windows copies the data from the document and places it in the Clipboard , a hidden temporary holding spot.

Click the spot in the document where you want to put the copied data.


One of the most common editing tasks is to copy text. You can copy text and paste the copy into the current document or into another document.


Copy to Another Document

To copy data from one open document to another, select the text and then use the Window menu to move to the document where you want to paste the text.

Click Edit and then select the Paste command.

The data is pasted into the document.


Can't Paste?

If the Paste command is grayed out, it means you have not copied anything. Be sure to click Edit and then select the Copy command before you try to paste the text.


Shortcut Keys

You can also use the shortcut keys Ctrl+C for Copy and Ctrl+V for Paste. The toolbar also includes a Copy button and a Paste button.
