Telecom For Dummies
The Internet is more than just a place to Google your own name, buy airline tickets, or do your Christmas shopping; it can also provide you with much needed information. There are numerous Web sites that discuss specific telecom hardware, technologies, and the problems related to each of them. Try searching for a keyword that is specific to the technology you are using. For example, if you are looking for information about VoIP, search for the specific codec that you are having difficulty with instead of just VoIP transmission problems.
Tip Check out Chapter 16 for a quick peak at some of the most common acronyms in telecom. Here’s a quick search technique for finding telecom definitions on the fly. Visit Google and type define: keyword in the search box. For example, if you want to know what LATA means, type define:LATA. Try this technique the next time you’re on the phone with a technician and he or she says something you’ve never heard of before.