Telecom For Dummies

Problems and inquiries grow like insulating foam, taking up space wherever there is the less resistance. Checking all variables is wonderful, but if you’ve ever lost your car keys, you know that the first place you looked (if stomping your feet and throwing stuff around in a frenzy because you’re late constitutes “looking”) is usually where you end up finding the keys.

The point is that you can easily overlook something when you’re in a panic that is clear as day when you’ve calmed down a bit. People commonly troubleshoot a problem for days on end, only to find out that there was something as simple as a configuration issue to blame.

 Tip  When you are at your wit’s end, stop, bring all the key players together for a conference call, and slowly go over all the information about your service. Start with how the service is configured, move on to a discussion of the hardware you are using, and move on from there by describing the specific issue and sharing the most detailed information you have about the variables you believe could be affecting the issue. Maybe it’ll be news to someone that you changed your configuration from ISDN to loopstart last month — and that breakthrough could be the spark that solves the issue.

 Remember  This same approach also works when you are reviewing new technology. Don’t try to make your application fit the new technology. Instead, objectively see whether the technology can successfully fulfill your application needs. You may think that some complex technology like MPLS or VoIP sounds very high speed and sexy, but if neither option solves your problem, it is just a burden.
