Telecom For Dummies

In the previous section, “Getting all the equipment you need to make your dedicated circuit go,” I make a passing mention of the inside wiring controversy. This section gives you the ins and outs of dealing with your carrier over this contentious issue. In the simplest terms, inside wiring is the wiring that goes between the network interface unit (NIU) to the channel service unit (CSU).

Knowing the facts about local carriers and inside wiring

To understand who is responsible when it comes to inside wiring, you need to understand the different methods of completing this connection. Then you need to accept that some things are out of your hands. The local carrier lays out what it believes its responsibilities are in terms of setting up the circuits, and although you might like to think that you can negotiate, the fact is that you may have to accept responsibilities (and the accompanying headaches) that you would really rather not deal with. The controversy over inside wiring stems from two important facts:

To give you an understanding of the significance of these facts, here’s a scenario to consider:

Your carrier wires a circuit into the basement of your building and your hardware vendor takes care of the wiring in your office on the second floor, running cable from the phone closet in Suite 1 to your equipment in Suite 5. Sounds great, right? Well, not really. You still don’t have a complete circuit.

You can easily overlook all the bits and pieces of this job because it all falls into the category of inside wiring. The person who wired from Suite 1 to Suite 5 on the second floor may say to you, “I finished the inside wiring,” and you may perceive that to mean that he connected into the circuit in the basement when in reality he didn’t. There is a lot of gray area in inside wiring, so make sure you are thorough when following up on it. You need to know which specific locations have been wired by each contingent of this massive project.

 Remember  Someone must tie into the cable in the basement and then pull the cable up to connect the other end into the phone closet for your floor in Suite 1. That someone is determined through a series of negotiations, planning, pleas, prayers, and luck. If your carrier doesn’t provide the wiring, your only option is contracting your hardware vendor to complete the connection. This isn’t undesirable; it simply makes the vendor, rather than your carrier, responsible for the wiring. Confirming with your carrier that all the wiring connections have been completed will set your mind at ease. Most of the time, wiring is completed to your phone room without any problems. The challenge arrives if your building management is difficult and isn’t working with your carrier. In this case, be prepared for weeks of negotiating the install of your circuit.

Addressing your options honestly

You only have three flavors of inside wiring options to choose from, depending on what your carrier either can or will provide:

Getting tips and reminders from the pros

So many factors are involved in who does the installation of all the inside wiring, and how you’re charged for labor, materials, and maintenance. Here are a couple of reminders from the insiders:
