Telecom For Dummies

Toll-free numbers have the greatest variety of add-on services available, and every carrier assesses the fee in a different way. One carrier may charge a one-time installation fee when you activate a number, and another may activate numbers for free but collect a monthly recurring charge (MRC). Any feature you add onto your toll-free numbers may have a one-time nonrecurring charge (NRC) on it or a continual MRC, but is rarely free unless you negotiate to have the fees waived.

There are exceptions to every rule, but the two fees that you can always expect to see in relation to your toll-free numbers are:

Aside from these two fees that 99 percent of businesses find on their phone bill, there are other ways that carriers charge you for toll-free service. No two carriers are the same, so you will have to extract from them all the charges and fees that are in their ancillary fees list. They may also be buried in your contract, but it is worth the hour to read through all the sections. Some of the more common fees to ask about are:
