Telecom For Dummies
In This Chapter
Checking out your summary pages
Determining your best per-minute cost
Decimal rounding
Choosing your invoice type
Identifying common billing issues
Monitoring dispute progress
Your phone bill is probably wrong. Please, don’t take it personally; these things happen. In fact, the problem is so common that some companies exist for the sole purpose of looking at your phone bill and finding the errors so that they can switch you over to a new carrier with a slightly more accurate billing system. Some errors are huge and jump right out at you, and some are small but can cost you thousands of dollars over the course of a year.
These problems plague all carriers, but long-distance carriers seem to have the greatest trouble keeping everything straight. Depending on the complexity of your telecom needs, you may receive phone bills from several different companies, so check them all. In this chapter, I go over the key items to look at in your invoice to ensure you are being billed correctly. I also cover common billing trouble areas, and give you direction on issuing disputes to your carrier to get credits.