Telecom For Dummies

Cellphone and wireless providers have been porting phone numbers for years. In most cases, the process has become an efficient transaction that may take as little as a few hours. However, it is by no means a seamless process, and not without its limitations. If you want to port your phone number from one local carrier to another, you need to bear these facts in mind and adjust your expectations accordingly. Porting a phone number is not always seamless, and you may have days, or weeks, during which your phone number is completely inoperable. There are systems in place to reduce the downtime, but downtime is always a possibility.

Porting your phone number is a lot like ordering new long-distance phone service. You fill out an order form, agree to the terms and conditions, and then sign a Letter of Authoriztion (LOA) to enable the new local carrier to begin the porting process on your phone line. From that point forward, nothing is standard. Some of the issues you may face are:
