Every block element has a border that can be styled. Although you can certainly leave borders invisible, there are several styles that can be applied to element borders. border Usage | A shorthand property that allows you to set all the properties for the four borders in one declaration. | Values | border-width, border-style, border-color. |
border-bottom Usage | A shorthand property that allows you to set all the bottom border properties in one declaration. | Values | border-bottom-width, border-style, border-color. |
border-bottom-color Usage | Sets the color of the bottom border. | Values | border-color. | border-bottom-style Usage | Sets the style of the bottom border. | Values | border-style. |
border-bottom-width Usage | Sets the width of the bottom border. | Values | thin, medium, thick, length. | border-color Usage | Sets the color of the four borders. | Values | color. | Notes | Can be specified using from one to four colors. |
border-left Usage | A shorthand property that allows you to set all the left border properties in one declaration. | Values | border-left-width, border-style, border-color. | border-left-color Usage | Sets the color of the left border. | Values | border-color. |
border-left-style Usage | Sets the style of the left border. | Values | border-style. |
border-left-width Usage | Sets the width of the left border. | Values | thin, medium, thick, length. | border-right Usage | A shorthand property that allows you to set all the right border properties in one declaration. | Values | border-right-width, border-style, border-color. | border-right-color Usage | Sets the color of the right border. | Values | border-color. | border-right-style Usage | Sets the style of the right border. | Values | border-style. | border-right-width Usage | Sets the width of the right border. | Values | thin, medium, thick, length. | border-style Usage | Sets the style of the four borders. | Values | none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. | Notes | Can be specified using from one to four styles. |
border-top Usage | A shorthand property that allows you to set all the top border properties in one declaration. | Values | border-top-width, border-style, border-color. |
border-top-color Usage | Sets the color of the top border. | Values | border-color. |
border-top-style Usage | Sets the style of the top border. | Values | border-style. | border-top-width Usage | Sets the width of the top border. | Values | thin, medium, thick, length. |
border-width Usage | A shorthand property for setting the width of the four borders in one declaration. | Values | thin, medium, thick, length. | Notes | Can be specified using from one to four widths. | |