Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005

If You Want to Experiment

You can use attributes to help automate data entry into drawings. To demonstrate this, try the following exercise:

  1. Create a drawing file called Record with the attribute definitions shown in Figure 10.7. Note the size and placement of the attribute definitions as well as the new base point for the drawing.

    Figure 10.7: The Record file with attribute definitions

  2. Save and exit the file, and then create a new drawing called Schedule containing the schedule shown in Figure 10.8.

    Figure 10.8: The Schedule drawing with Record inserted

  3. Use the Insert command and insert the Record file into the schedule at the point indicated.

Note that you are prompted for each entry of the record. Enter any value you like for each prompt. When you are finished, the information for one record is entered into the schedule.
