Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005

If You Want to Experiment

You've seen how you can import a scanned image of an existing drawing and scale it to full scale. Try tracing over that scanned image in this exercise:

  1. If you have closed the Rasterimport.dwg file, open it again.

  2. Use the Line tool and trace over the outline of the floor plan. As you draw, use the dimensions shown in the scanned image to determine the lengths of the lines. Use the Direct Distance method described in Chapter 2 to place the lines. You might also want to use the Ortho mode or the Polar Tracking mode to keep your lines straight.

  3. Create a layer called Image , and change the layer assignment of the raster image to the Image layer.

  4. Turn the Image layer off to view your floor plan.
