Now You Know Tungsten E

Chapter 9. Beaming

In this chapter

  • Beam your business card

  • Beam whole applications

  • Beam an entire category of contact entries

Beaming puts you in direct touch with a community of handheld users. Use it to share the wealth. Just about everything on your handheld can be beamed, from your Tasks agenda to your Note Pad doodles. Keep colleagues up-to-date on your schedule and share photos with friends. Get them to share their stuff, too beaming is a two-way street, as long as you're beaming to another Palm OS® handheld.

Attach notes to received items

Right after someone beams you a business card or other information, attach a note to the new entry. Write down what you talked about so you can refer to it later. For instructions, see page 44.

Memory requirements

The handheld you beam to must have at least twice as much free memory as the item you beam. Space is almost never a problem for small items like business cards and simple notes, but it can be an issue when you're beaming or receiving an entire category or application.

Beaming facts

  • Your handheld can beam across the width of a typical kitchen table.

  • If your mobile phone is infrared-enabled, you can beam names and numbers to it.

  • Your handheld uses slightly more power when its ability to receive beamed info is turned on.
