Pinnacle Studio 10 for Windows Visual Quickstart Guide

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As discussed in "To create a slide show" in Chapter 7, you can create a slide show from still images by dragging multiple images to the Timeline. As a lovely touch for slide shows, you can add transitions between images, a process that Studio simplifies with a feature called ripple transitions.

Here's how it works.

To insert a ripple transition between slide show images


With your slide show on the Timeline, drag the desired transition between the first and second images (Figure 8.30).

Figure 8.30. Start the ripple transition by dragging the desired transition between the first and second images. Let's use this Page Turn from the Pro collection, which makes my slide show look like a Jane's Fighting Ship manual.

Studio inserts the transition.


Select all slides in the slide show by doing one of the following:

  • If your entire presentation is a slide show, choose Edit > Select All from the Studio menu (or press Ctrl+A).

  • If the Timelines contains other assets that you don't want included in the ripple transition, hold down the Shift key and select the first image and then the last image in the slide show.

Studio highlights all the images in the slide show.


Right-click the selected images to reveal the menu and then select Ripple Transition (Figure 8.31).

Figure 8.31. Then highlight all images in the slide show, right-click, and select Ripple Transition.

Studio inserts the transition between all still images (Figure 8.32).

Figure 8.32. Voilà! Multiple transitions, neatly inserted.


  • For most video clips, 2-second transitions (the default setting for video) are fine. But for still images, a 2-second transition can be a bit long, especially at the default 4-second duration for stills. You may want to change the default transition time when you are applying transitions to slide shows; then change it back to the usual 2 seconds for your video work.

  • After you apply a ripple transition, you can customize the duration for any transition as described in "Customizing Transitions," earlier in this chapter.

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