Crucial Confrontations
Chapter List
- Chapter 3: Describe the GapHow to Start a Crucial Confrontation
- Chapter 4: Make It MotivatingHow to Help Others Want to Take Action
- Chapter 5: Make It EasyHow to Make Keeping Commitments (Almost) Painless
- Chapter 6: Stay Focused and FlexibleWhat to Do When Others Get Sidetracked, Scream, or Sulk
- Chapter 7: Agree on a Plan and Follow UpHow to Gain Commitment and Move to Action
When there is enough safety, you can talk to almost anyone about almost anything. As the best problem solvers move from thinking to talking, heres how they create safety:
They begin well. They know how to describe a performance gap in a way that makes it safe for others to talk about with them (Chapter 3, Describe the Gap).
They know how to help others prioritize competing demands, and they know how to discipline when necessary (Chapter 4, Make It Motivating).
They also know how to help others deal with ability barriers by jointly exploring solutions. They help others comply by making compliance easier. They understand the underlying principles of empowerment (Chapter 5, Make It Easy).