Inside Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services Version 3

ECB menu, 57–60, 198, 226–229, 283

Ecma International, 233

ECM menu, 299

EditableControl, 138–144

EditableControl JavaScript class, 138

EditableControl object, 137

EditControlBlock, 58

EditControl expando property, 142

EditForm.aspx, 49

Edit Mode, 127–128

Edit mode, of content controls, 247

Editor Part, 105

EditorPart class, 113–114

EditorPartCollection object, 113

EditorPartCollection Web Part, 105

Editor Part control, 111

Editor Parts, 111–115

EditorPart Web Part, 105

Editory Zones, 81

Edit Page command, 14

ElementManifests element, 23

Elements.xml, 19, 23

Element type, 19

ElevatedPrivilegeWebPart, 368–369

“Embedded Resource,” 128

Enabled property, 115

EnableEventFiring, 214

EnableWorkflowModification, 304–306

EnsureChildControls method, 103

EnsureSiteAdminAccess method, 378

Enterprise Content Management Starter Kit, 272

Enterprise Server, 209

EnvironmentPermission, 358

Episodic, 254.

See also Reactive program

Eq element, 183

Error handling, 198

Escalation of privilege, 367–370

Esposito, Dino, 40

Essential ASPNET 2.0, 363

Essential ASP.NET 2.0, 40

Essential Windows Workflow Foundation, 263

Event activity, 285.

See also specific event activities

Event content type, 199

EventDriven activity, 305

EventDriven activity children, 305

Event handler, 19, 35

and activity consumers, 257

adding, to feature, 2–28

bind, to ItemAdded event, 231

binding, to content type, 214–215

to bring workflow instance back to life, 284

create, when feature is activated or deactivated, 26

defined, 209

Generate Handlers menu item, 275

and timing of LogToHistoryListActivity activity, 280

writing, 212–214

EventHandlerScope activity, 304–305

Event receiver

binding event handlers to content type, 214–215

blind event handlers to list instance, 211–212

classes, 210

defined, 209

Event Sink concept, 210

writing event handlers, 212–214

EventReceiver collection, 231

Event Receivers property, 212

Events, 259, 324.

See also individual events

Event Sink concept, 210

Execadmsvcjobs operation, 335

Execute method, 257, 259

Execution, 358

ExecutionType property, 258

Expando property, 142

ExportWebPart method, 131

Extended Properties property, 288

Extensible HTML-based user interface, 14.

See also Web Parts

Extensive StyleSheet Language Transformation (XSLT), 133
