Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference

Crystal Reports lets you drill down on Group maps, just like on group names and summaries (discussed in Chapter 3) and on charts and graphs (covered in Chapter 12). When you view a map in the Preview tab, simply point your mouse to the geographic region you wish to look at in more detail. The mouse cursor turns into a magnifying glass (or a finger cursor in a web page). Double-click ( single-click in a web page) the desired area of the map to open up a drill-down tab next to the Preview tab. This drill-down tab will contain just the information for the report group represented by that map segment. If you attempt to drill-down on a geographic element that doesn t include any data (perhaps you drill down on a city that s plotted on a map, but there s no group for that city), you ll receive a message indicating the lack of detail data for that city.

To close a drill-down tab, click the red X that appears next to the page navigation buttons on the right side of the preview window. The current tab closes and the next tab to the left is displayed.


Because an Advanced map is already mapping the lowest level of information on your report, you cannot drill down on this type of map. Nor can you drill down into Cross-Tab or OLAP maps.
