Cisco Multiservice Switching Networks

It's time to reintroduce one of the most helpful show commands in the LSC (see Example 6-74) because it provides a global picture of the LSR state.

Example 6-74. Using the Command show mpls atm-ldp summary

P3_LSC_m8850_RPM-PR_9#show mpls atm-ldp summary Total number of destinations: 9 ATM label bindings summary interface total active local remote Bwait Rwait IFwait XTagATM101 16 16 8 8 0 0 0 XTagATM1111 16 16 8 8 0 0 0 XTagATM1144 36 36 18 18 0 0 0 P3_LSC_m8850_RPM-PR_9#

We can also calculate the number of LVCs that traverse each link following the previous reasoning.

XTagATM1144 has three eLSR-behaving routers on one side and six on the other side:

LVCs = 2 * 3 * 6 = 36

XTagATM101 and 1111 have one eLSR on one side and eight eLSR-behaving LSCs and eLSRs:

LVCs = 2 * 1 * 8 = 16

It is also interesting to observe the LDP negotiated capabilities (see Example 6-75) that were discussed in the section "LDP Session, Bindings, and LVC show Commands."

Example 6-75. Showing the LDP ATM Capabilities

P3_LSC_m8850_RPM-PR_9#show mpls atm-ldp capability VPI VCI Alloc Odd/Even VC Merge XTagATM101 Range Range Scheme Scheme IN OUT Negotiated [0 - 0] [33 - 3808] BIDIR - - Local [0 - 0] [33 - 3808] BIDIR EVEN NO NO Peer [0 - 0] [33 - 65518] UNIDIR ODD - - VPI VCI Alloc Odd/Even VC Merge XTagATM1111 Range Range Scheme Scheme IN OUT Negotiated [1 - 1] [33 - 1018] BIDIR - - Local [0 - 255] [33 - 65535] BIDIR EVEN NO NO Peer [1 - 1] [33 - 1018] UNIDIR ODD - - VPI VCI Alloc Odd/Even VC Merge XTagATM1144 Range Range Scheme Scheme IN OUT Negotiated [27 - 27] [33 - 65535] BIDIR - - Local [27 - 27] [33 - 65535] BIDIR ODD NO NO Peer [27 - 27] [33 - 65535] BIDIR EVEN - - P3_LSC_m8850_RPM-PR_9#

The procedure to bring up the remaining P-P links is equivalent to what we already did, so we will not include the captures. At this point, our MPLS network is complete.
