HP-UX 11i Systems Administration Handbook and Toolkit (2nd Edition)


ignite - Invoke the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Ignite-UX.

ignite(5) ignite(5) NAME ignite - HP-UX configuration and installation manager SYNOPSIS /opt/ignite/bin/ignite DESCRIPTION Introduction ignite is part of the Ignite-UX product, a client-server application that provides the ability to configure and install HP-UX systems. Ignite-UX is available on all HP-UX 10.XX platforms (with the exception of HP-UX 10.00) and supports the installation of all 10.XX releases and 10.XX applications. The ignite command is the graphical user interface of this client- server application. It provides the ability to build software configurations and to use these configurations to install HP-UX systems. Key features: + True client-server framework enabling an install session for multiple targets to be controlled from a single server. + Support of client standalone installation by enabling an installation to be controlled from a terminal user interface running on the target machine. + Support for non-interactive installations initiated from the client or server. + Support for multiple sources within a single install session. This allows end customers to install multiple applications at the same time they install the base OS. + Support for Software Distributor (SD) and non-SD sources, by providing the ability to load SD software, as well as software from a non-SD sources (tar, cpio, or pax). One use of this feature is the ability to load a system with an OS and applications, capture that system into an archive and then use that archive to install to multiple targets. + Support for user-defined configurations by allowing a system administrator to construct a description (configuration) for a target system including disk and networking layout, software to install, kernel modifications and post-installation customizations. Once this configuration has been defined it may then be applied to one or more target machines. + Support for user-defined customization both by defining what a target system should look like and by allowing execution of user-supplied scripts at pre-defined points in the installation process. + Support for saved configurations by enabling a user to modify an existing configuration, save these changes, and then quickly apply the new configuration to a target system. + Support for system manifest creation by providing a simple method to capture a snapshot of the currently loaded software along with a complete hardware inventory. Hardware/Software Requirements For doing 10.XX loads, the following hardware is required to set up either a Series 700 or Series 800 Ignite-UX server. If a Series 800 Ignite-UX server is set up, it needs a graphics display or the display can be redirected to another X(1) windows system. The redirection is accomplished by setting the DISPLAY environment variable. For example, in the Korn Shell or Posix Shell you would type: export DISPLAY=hpfcdn:0.0 Ignite-UX server requirements: + A Series 700/800 system running HP-UX 10.XX. + An X11 display server (workstation, X-terminal, PC running an X server, etc). Can be the same system as above. + Sufficient disk space to load Ignite-UX, and any software depots and/or archives to be used during the install. + Access to the Ignite-UX tool set. The tool set can be loaded onto any 10.XX system. + Tape/CD-ROM in order to load Ignite-UX and any software depots you plan to distribute onto the server. + Network access to any clients to be installed. Client and Server must be on the same subnet if you plan to do the initial boot of the client over the network. Server Setup: Overview 1. Install HP-UX 10.XX. 2. Install Ignite-UX tools and data. 3. Set up core software. 4. Add additional applications (optional). 5. Run ignite to complete the configuration and to start the process. Note: All operations are executed as "root" on the Ignite-UX server. Except where noted, all commands referenced here are located in /opt/ignite/bin. Server Setup: Details 1. Install HP-UX 10.XX Refer to the manual for instructions on how to update a system to HP-UX 10.XX. 2. Install Ignite-UX Software The Ignite-UX tool-set is contained on the HP-UX application set of CD-ROMs. The software bundles are named as such: Ignite-UX- 10-01, Ignite-UX-10-10, Ignite-UX-10-20, etc. Each software bundle contains the Ignite-UX tools plus the data files required for support of the particular HP-UX release indicated by the bundle name. You may load one or more of the Ignite-UX-10-XX bundles onto your server depending on which releases of HP-UX you plan on installing onto clients. The Ignite-UX product replaces the capability previously supplied by the NetInstall bundle that came with HP-UX releases 10.01, 10.10 and 10.20. Loading one of the Ignite-UX software bundles will cause the NetInstall bundle to be automatically removed. Once the application CD-ROM containing Ignite-UX has been mounted, you may use the swinstall command to load the desired Ignite-UX bundles. For example, the command below would load the support needed for installing HP-UX 10.20 onto clients: swinstall -s /cdrom Ignite-UX-10-20 3. Set up "core" HP-UX software Before Ignite-UX can be used, you must configure the software for it to load onto the clients. Since both SD sources and archive (non-SD) sources (tar, cpio, or pax) may be used, both cases will be considered separately below. For SD OS software: For Ignite-UX to use an SD source, you must have a registered SD depot available, and an Ignite-UX configuration file generated from that depot. If you already have an SD depot containing the core HP-UX software, then you can enable Ignite-UX to access it by using the make_config and manage_index commands. If you do not already have a depot available, you may want to use the add_release command to lead you though copying the software from the distribution media into a depot and then configuring Ignite-UX to use it. Both methods are outlined below. Enabling (or updating) an existing depot If you already have an SD depot available, or if you have made changes to a depot that Ignite-UX knows about, then you can use the make_config and manage_index commands to generate a configuration file that Ignite-UX will use in accessing the depot. For example: make_config -s server:/depot_700 \ -c /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.10.20/core_700 manage_index -a -f /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.10.20/core_700 If at a later time, you modify the contents of a depot (you use swcopy to add software, for example), then the same make_config step will need to be rerun in order for Ignite-UX to be aware of the modifications. Note: The make_config command only operates on software that is contained in a bundle. If you have a depot that has products not in a bundle, then you can run the make_bundles command on the depot prior to running make_config. Using add_release to do it all If you need to copy the core HP-UX software off the distribution media into a depot, and configure Ignite- UX to use it, then the add_release command can be used to lead you though all the steps. To run add_release to see what it would do and not actually modify anything, you can specify the -p option (preview mode). For example: /opt/ignite/bin/add_release -s /dev/dsk/c0t2s0 -p To use a depot other than /dev/rmt/0m to read the software, you can specify it with the -s option. For example: /opt/ignite/bin/add_release -s jupiter:/depot/s700_10.XX_final For non-SD (archive) OS software: Ignite-UX has the capability of loading a system from an archive image taken from a system that represents your standard configuration. This method gives significantly faster install times, but may not be as flexible as using an SD source. You will first need to generate the archive image of a system in the desired state. It is recommended that the /opt/ignite/data/scripts/make_sys_image script be used to accomplish this task. Once an archive image is created, then a configuration file that represents the location and attributes of that image must be created before Ignite-UX can use it. A sample of a config file that can be used with a core archive can be found at: /opt/ignite/data/examples/core.cfg The comments in this example file describe where to copy the file and what to change in the file to make it reference your archive and to work in your environment. 4. Add additional applications (optional) If you have other software that you would like to have loaded during the system installation then you can create configuration files similar to what was done for the core-OS software by using make_config and manage_index or by using an example configuration file and modifying it. For SD application software Run the following commands for each depot you plan to load SD software from during the installation. The make_config command only handles SD software which is packaged in bundle form. If the SD depot you want to use has software not contained in a bundle (for example: a collection of patches), then the make_bundles command may be used to create bundles in the depot. If the contents are not 700/800 specific then the make_config -a[78]00 option should not be used. For example, to make a depot containing patches available: make_bundles /depots/s700_10.20_patches make_config -s hpfcxxx.hp.com:/depots/s700_10.20_patches -a 700 -c /opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.10.20/patches_700_cfg manage_index -a -f /opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.10.20/patches_700_cfg For example, to make a depot containing compilers available which are already in bundles (no need to use make_bundles): make_config -s hpfcxxx.hp.com:/depots/compiler -c /opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.10.XX/compilers_cfg manage_index -a -f /opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.10.XX/compilers_cfg The depot server (in this example hpfcxxx) should be replaced with the server you have the SD software on. The make_bundles script must be run on the same system where the depot exists. If the depot is not on the Ignite-UX server, you may need to copy the make_bundles script to the depot server and run it there. Note: The make_config command will need to be re-run each time new software is added or modified in the depots. make_config constructs Ignite-UX config files which correspond to SD depots. When an SD depot is used as part of the Ignite-UX process, it must have a config file which describes the contents of the depot to Ignite-UX. This command can automatically construct such a config file given the name of an SD depot to operate on. This command should be run when adding or changing a depot which will be used by Ignite-UX. manage_index is used to manipulate the /var/opt/ignite/INDEX file. This utility is primarily called by other Ignite-UX tools but can also be called directly. For non-SD application software: If the source is not an "SD" depot, the make_config command is not applicable. You will need to create a unique config file that includes the non-SD software. A sample of a config file that does a non-core archive can be found at: /opt/ignite/data/examples/noncore.cfg The comments in this example file describe where to copy the file and what to change in the file to make it reference your archive and to work in your environment. 5. Run ignite to complete the configuration and to start the process On the Series 700 server run: /opt/ignite/bin/ignite. This will start the Ignite-UX server program. Complete the Configuration: When the GUI display titled "Ignite-UX" appears, do the following in that window: a) Choose Options: Server Configuration b) Look over both the Server Options and the Session Options to see if they are suitable. About the Screen: 'Add Booting IP Addresses': Booting Clients: xx.xx.xx.xx to xx.xx.xx.xx These IP addresses are used to initially boot the target systems. They are used until the system is assigned one of the DHCP-assigned addresses. One address is required for each simultaneous boot. Typically one to three are needed, depending on the usage. DHCP Addresses: xx.xx.xx.xx to xx.xx.xx.xx These IP addresses are used during the OS download and application loading. These addresses are in use for most of the Ignite-UX download to a target machine. One address is required for each simultaneous download. You should set more, if the addresses are assigned permanently. DHCP Class ID: The unique name for the DHCP server that serves these DHCP Addresses. Not necessarily the install server. If you will not be using the install server as the DHCP server, then either do not set class ID at all, or you need to know what the client ID is set to on your real DHCP server. Do not apply the class ID unless you are configuring the install server to be a DHCP server. DHCP Addresses are temporary: If these DHCP Addresses are only used for doing installs, and the clients will get reassigned new addresses when deployed. Keep this field set. If you want to set up the Ignite-UX server as a departmental DHCP server, in which case the IP address leases are permanent, and isolated to the department's DHCP server, set this field to false. Boot the S700 or S800 client system that supports network boot: If the system you plan to install is running HP-UX version 9.X or 10.X, then you can use the bootsys command to remotely reboot the client to run Ignite-UX. If the client system is new, or disabled such that bootsys cannot be used, then you can boot it over the network (note, that currently the only S800 systems that are capable of network boot are the K and D class systems). To do a network boot, Go to the console for that client and enter the appropriate command. (You will find the exact boot ROM commands for your system in In general: 1) Stop the auto-boot by pressing <escape>. 2) For older Series 700s (non-bootp), type the following: search lan It will typically require three searches for the server to be found and listed, on older Series 700s. Boot the client either by using the index displayed in the search or by using the following: boot lan.080009-XXXYYY 3) For newer Series 700s, type the following to search for servers on your network. If you already know the server's IP address, or you are on a S800 (K and D class) that do not support the search command, then just issue the boot command below: search lan install Note: Some C-class systems had a firmware defect such that the search lan install install does not display any servers. However, doing an explicit boot using the server's IP address works correctly. A firmware upgrade is available for systems with this defect. Choose the preferred boot server (if you have more than one) and enter the following: boot lan.IP-Address install If only one server appears in the listing, just type the following: boot lan install If the client cannot find the server, check the following items: + Client is on the same subnet as the server. + Any instl_bootd errors in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log. + Your /var/adm/inetd.sec file to make sure that IP address is not being disallowed for the instl_boots service. + If /etc/services comes from NIS, make sure that the NIS server has instl_boot* entries. + rbootd is running. Booting a system remotely using bootsys: If a system you need to reinstall is up and running HP-UX 9.X or 10.X and available on the network, then you can use the bootsys command from the server to cause the client system to boot Ignite-UX. Using the bootsys command has the advantages of: + Can be done remotely from the Ignite-UX server. Does not require access to the client console. + It is able to boot S800's that are not capable of a network boot. + It allows booting clients that are on different subnets (since it is not really doing a true network boot). + The bootsys command may also be used to schedule installations to happen at a later time by calling it from at or cron. The bootsys command has options to initiate an automated installation (-a), or an installation controlled from the ignite user interface (-w). Booting a system from customer-created install An install image used to boot a system can be created using make_medialif. When transferred to physical media, it can be used to: + Automatically load an archive image also stored on the media without intervention. + Initiate an install from an Ignite-UX server. The install can be either automated or interactive. This is a way for shipping user-customized install media to remote sites. See make_medialif(1M) for more information. Start the Installation: After the client is booted, its icon should appear on the ignite interface. If the server has not been set up completely, or if the client could not obtain enough networking parameters via DHCP, then the client may require interaction on the client console. After the client icon appears on the server screen, select it by clicking on the icon for that client. Use the Actions menu to select a task for the selected client. The first task would be to choose "Install Client". Then choose "New Install". During the installation, choose a configuration file for this installation. Clients will be installed per the description given in the configuration file. If you want to reuse this configuration, save the file. Once installation is proceeding, check the client's status on the server. When the installation completes, you can print a manifest, and either save the client's data in a history directory or remove the client and its data from the server. Refer to the online help: "Ignite-UX Concepts", or "Getting Started" for more information. Standalone Installation The standalone type of installation is invoked by booting the system from the network, as described in the previous section, or by booting from the Ignite-UX media. After choosing "Install HP-UX", select "Local interaction at console, installing from network server" on the next screen. Or if you are installing from media, select "Media installation, with user interaction at local console". A basic interface, "wizard mode" can be chosen at this point. This will direct you though the required system setup steps. This mode is for the novice user, and proceeds though a more limited set of configuration steps, while giving you recommended choices based on your system's hardware. Additionally, a more sophisticated interface can be selected if the user needs to modify the filesystem configuration, or would like to set the system hostname and networking parameters prior to completing the installation. If you find that you have selected the wrong interface to accomplish your task, you may use the "Cancel" button which will allow you to switch to the other interface mode. The standalone installation uses an ASCII (TUI) interface, and requires a keyboard for navigation. The following keys can be used to navigate in the various screens: + <return> and <space> keys select an item + <tab> key moves to the next item on the screen. + <right> arrow and <down> arrow keys cycle to the next item in the "Tab Group" A Tab Group is defined as all of the selectable options within an area of the screen defined by dotted lines. To move to the next Tab Group, the <tab> key must be used. + <left> arrow and <up> arrow keys cycle to the previous item in the Tab Group. To move to the next Tab Group, the <tab> key must be used. + Additionally, any key with an underlined character, can be chosen by typing that underlined character. Manifest Generation Included in the Ignite-UX tool set is a command: print_manifest(1M). This utility prints a formatted ascii system manifest to stdout. The manifest includes information on hardware and software installed and configured on the system. It gathers information about the system every time it is run. ignite can display and/or print the manifest of a just-installed system with the action "View/Print Manifest". If the client's data is moved to history, that data includes both the client's manifest and config file. Both these files can be recalled at a later time. EXTERNAL INPUTS AND INFLUENCES Default Options: The server maintains a defaults file, ignite.defs, located at /var/opt/ignite/server/ignite.defs. This file contains a subset of the values that are entered on the Server Configuration screen. The following values and their defaults are shipped in the Ignite-UX product: client_timeout:30 Time (in mins) until the client is declared hung. halt_when_done:false Halt the client after installation rather than reboot to invoke set_parms. ignite_welcome:true Show the server's welcome screen. itool_welcome:true Ask for customer information during client installation. new_client_notification:true Asks whether the user be notified when new clients boot. Locking In order to allow multiple ignite sessions to run concurrently with the currently installing process, ignite will lock a client during a New Install or a Repeat Install. This lock is tested in the actions: New Install, Repeat Installation, Stop Client and Remove Client. The lock is removed when the client is stopped or COMPLETE. For stopped clients, it is possible for someone, other than the installer, to remove them. For COMPLETE clients, it is possible for someone, other than the installer, to remove them or move them to history. RETURN VALUES ignite returns the following values: 0ignite completed successfully. 1ignite failed. DIAGNOSTICS Logging: All major events are logged to the server logfile located at /var/opt/ignite/logs/server. FILES /opt/ignite/bin Contains Ignite-UX commands. /opt/ignite/lbin Contains Ignite-UX commands used by other commands. /var/opt/ignite/depots Contains the software depots used by Ignite-UX. /var/opt/ignite/logs Contains logfiles for each command. /var/opt/ignite/clients Contains the per-client directories. /var/opt/ignite/server Contains the file ignite.defs (server defaults). AUTHOR Ignite-UX was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company. SEE ALSO add_release(1M), archive_impact(1M), bootsys(1M), instl_adm(1M), instl_adm(4), instl_bootd(1M), make_bundles(1M), make_config(1M), make_depots(1M), make_medialif(1M), manage_index(1M), print_manifest(1M), remove_release(1M), save_config(1M), sd(5), setup_server(1M).
