HP-UX Virtual Partitions


HP-UX Virtual Partitions

By Marty Poniatowski

Table of Contents
Chapter 7.  Backup

Backup of Virtual Partitions takes place in almost the same manner as in non-vPars systems. The primary difference is that rather than run one backup on a physical system, you'll have to run a backup of every Virtual Partition that exists on your physical system. You'll also want to run a make_net_recovery on every Virtual Partition as well. This will create a bootable recovery archive for the Virtual Partition. This is covered in the Ignite/UX Chapter 10.

We 'll perform a backup of the first vPar on a system that has the tape drive configured as one of its components (this is a backup to a local tape drive.) We'll then perform a backup of a second vPar on the same computer to the tape drive that is configured on the first vPar (this is a backup to a remote tape drive.) The tape drive is remote to the second vPar because it does not have the tape drive configured as one of its I/O components. Since the two vPars are distinct and independent systems, the tape drive on the first vPar is remote to the second vPar.

