JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition



built-in objects, 736

cookies and, 525

relationship to JavaScript, 642, 731

relationship to JScript, 731

as standardized JavaScript, 20 “21

versions, 730

editor, DOM-based HTML, 276

elements, arrays

accessing, 160

adding/changing, 161 “162

indexes, 62

removing, 162

elements, Document object

accessing by name , 231

accessing by position, 230

elements[ ] collection, 393 “394, 419 “421

else statements, 36, 97 “98, 746. See also if statements

em object, HTMLElement, 802

<em>, 802

embed object, proprietary document objects, 802 “803


correspondence to embed object, 802

cross browser inclusion of embedded objects, 575

Document object and, 396

plug-ins and, 564, 571

embedded objects, 557 “578

ActiveX. see ActiveX

Java applets. see Java applets

overview of, 557

plug-ins. see plug-ins

same-origin policy and, 681

embeds[ ] collection, 396

encapsulation, in OOP, 157

encode( ) method, 180, 584

Enumerator object

iteration with, 648

methods , 647

overview of, 803

equal to and same type (===), 87

equality (==) operator, 87, 144 “145

error handlers, 710 “712

error messages, turning on, 698 “699

Error object, 714 “715, 748, 803 “804

Error( ) constructor, 704, 714


browsers suppressing, 5 “6

error handlers, 710 “712

error messages, turning on, 698 “699

error notification, 699

form validation, 444

list of common errors and symptoms, 701 “702

reporting automatically, 712 “714

runtime errors, 696 “698, 700

semantic errors, 697 “698

syntax errors, 695 “696, 698, 700

escape codes

HTML, 694

quotes and, 55 “56

regular expressions, 195 “196, 750

special characters , 54 “55

strings, 733

escape( ) method, strings, 180

event binding

in (X)HTML, 299

DOM2, 331 “332

Internet Explorer 4+, 322 “323

with JavaScript, 310 “311

non-standard event binding in (X)HTML, 310

rollover buttons and, 468

event handlers, 811 “817. See also event models

adding interactivity with, 13 “15

basic model compared with modern models, 315 “316

binding to elements, 298

binding to objects, 322 “323, 330 “331

DOM events, 812 “813

HTML 4 events, 811 “812

IE extended events, 814 “817

invoking, 233

Netscape extended events, 813 “814

nonstandard in Netscape and Internet Explorer, 303 “309

overview of, 232, 297 “298

setting, 232 “233

variable scope and, 72 “73

event model, basic, 299 “315

event binding with JavaScript, 310 “311

event invocation manually, 314 “315

events and event handler attributes in (X)HTML, 300 “301

limitations of, 315

nonstandard event binding in (X)HTML, 310

nonstandard event handlers available in Netscape and Internet Explorer, 303 “309

overview of, 299

return values, 312 “314

scope, 311 “312

event model, DOM2, 330 “343

binding handlers to objects, 330 “331

binding methods, 331 “332

browser events, 336

event creation, 341 “343

Event object, 332

event propagation and routing, 339 “341

keyboard events, 335 “336

mouse events, 333 “335

mutation events, 337 “338

overview of, 330

preventing default actions, 337 “339

UI events, 336 “337

event model, IE 4+

binding handlers to objects, 322 “323

event behavior, 324 “326

event bubbling, 324 “326, 328

event creation, 329 “330

event model compatibility, 299

Event object, 323

event routing, 329

imitating Netscape event capture, 328

proprietary features, 330

event model, Netscape 4, 316 “321

event capture, 319 “320

Event object, 316 “319

event propagation and routing, 321

event models

basic model compared with modern models, 315 “316

comparison of features, 47 “48

defined, 297

overview of, 298

Event object

DOM2, 332

Internet Explorer 4+, 323

methods, 808 “811

Netscape 4, 316 “319

overview of, 315 “316

properties, 805 “808

static properties, 320


(X)HTML basic, 300 “301

behavior in Internet Explorer 4+, 324 “326

browser events, 336

bubbling in Internet Explorer 4+, 324 “326

capture in Internet Explorer 4+, 328

capture in Netscape 4, 319 “320

common, 232

common window, 370 “371

core (X)HTML, 14

creating in DOM2, 341 “343

creating in Internet Explorer 4+, 329 “330

defined, 297

invoking manually, 314 “315

keyboard events, 335 “336

mouse events, 333 “335

mutation events, 337 “338

overview of, 297 “298

routing in DOM2, 339 “341

routing in Internet Explorer 4+, 329

routing in Netscape 4, 321

triggers, 298

UI events, 336 “337

exceptions, 718

Error object and, 714 “715

limitations in support for, 718

list of exception objects, 748

overview of, 714

syntax reference, 748

try...catch, 715 “717

exclamation (!), logical operator, 89

exec ( ) method

global flag and, 206 “208

properties, 205 “206

RegExp object, 205 “208

execution order

of scripts, 25

variables , 73 “74

explicit type conversion, 67

explicit, return statements, 130


definition of, 24

overview of, 33

eXtensible Style Sheet Transformations (XSLT), 609 “614

eXtensible Style Sheets. See XSL (eXtensible Style Sheets)

extensions, browser

IE. see IE (Internet Explorer), extensions

Mozilla, 675 “676

Netscape, 672 “673

extensions, Window object, 381 “384

full-screen windows , 383 “384

modal, modeless, and pop-up windows, 381 “383

external object, proprietary browser objects, 817 “818

external scripts

advantages/disadvantages, 16

functions and, 129

same-origin policy and, 681 “682

extractCookie( ) method, 527
