HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)

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Java applets

example of, 487-488

overview of, 486-493

passing data to, 489-490

and scripting, 490-492

Java technology Web address, 486

JavaScript. See also cross-browser JavaScript

accessing CSS with, 458-459

accessing plug-ins from, 479

case-sensitivity of, 446

declaring variables in, 446

form validation script, 467-471

format of statements in, 446-447

indicating comments in, 439

linking files with, 46

object models for, 448-451

operators used with, 447

overview of, 433-435, 446-448

pull-down menu navigation script, 463-465

rollover button script, 465-467

using with different browsers, 459-461

javascript: URL, overview of, 445

.jp code, meaning of, 95

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) images

features of, 142

versus GIF file sizes, 148-149

overview of, 147-150

JScript Web address, 448

.jss file extension, disappearance of, 272

justify alignment, example of, 59-62

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