HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)

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The "holy grail" of Internet multimedia is high-quality , 30- frames -per-second real-time video. The use of video on Web pages has expanded considerably in the past few years , with online movie trailers becoming commonplace along with streaming clips on major news sites. However, providing video clips on the Internet is no small feat when you consider the amount of data being transferred.

Digital video is measured by the number of frames per second of video and by the size and resolution of these frames. The total size requirement for video is huge, particularly if you want NTSC (TV quality) video. A 640x480 image with 24 bits of data representation for color and a frame rate of 30 frames per second takes up a staggering 27 megabits per second ”and that's without sound. Add CD-quality audio ”1,411,200 bits of data for each second of data ”and the file size increases proportionately. In theory, the bits of data necessary to deliver TV-quality video could be transmitted over the Internet, creating the long-sought-after interactive TV. Today, transmitting this amount of data generally isn't feasible , even after compression.

Like audio files, video files can be compressed to reduce the amount of data being sent. Because of the degree of compression required by video, most video codecs use a lossy approach that involves a trade-off between picture/sound quality and file size, with larger file sizes obviously resulting in longer download times.

As with audio, simple online video delivery follows the download-and-play model, whereby users must download video clips completely before they can play them. Table 9-2 lists the most common downloadable video formats likely to be encountered on the Web.

The file format usually determines which compression technique is used. However, some file formats, such as QuickTime, allow different codecs to be selected. In some ways, this makes QuickTime the most flexible video format. As with audio, to choose a particular video format, you must consider the needs of the audience as well as the need for streaming or downloading the content.

Video Inclusion Basics

Including download and play video samples such as an AVI file in a Web page is simply a matter of using the anchor tag, <a> , to link to it. For example,

<a href="movie.avi"> Demo Company History </a><br />

Table 9-2: Common Internet Video Formats

Video Format



Audio Video Interleave; the Windows file format for digital video and audio is very common and easy to specify. The file size of AVI is significant.


The file extension MOV indicates the use of Apple's QuickTime format. Probably the most common digital video format, it continues its popularity on the Internet. QuickTime has a strong following in the multimedia development community. Various codecs and technology enhancements make QuickTime a strong digital video solution that may work in conjunction with MPEG.


Motion Picture Experts Group video format is generally considered the standard format for digital video.

As with audio, if the user has the appropriate playback hardware and software when they click the link, the video should be downloaded and then played . Of course, if they don't have the appropriate software nothing will happen.

As with audio, it is a very good idea to indicate that the file to be viewed is a video.

<a href="movie.avi"><img src="tv.gif" alt="" height="10" width="10" />Robots in Action </a> [AVI format / 1200k]

The next section shows a simple way to include an AVI file under Internet Explorer.

Using the <img> Tag with the dynsrc Attribute Under Internet Explorer

The dynsrc attribute for the <img> tag originated in Internet Explorer 2 and allowed AVI files to be played within a Web page. Although the syntax is currently maintained for backward compatibility, using the object or embed elements is preferable. Originally, the dynsrc attribute supported only AVI files, but testing shows that any ActiveMovie-supported data can be included with this syntax. The basic attributes for <img> are all valid; however, the following additions are also available:

The following is an example of using the dynsrc attribute with the image element for an AVI movie:

<img src="samplemovie.gif" dynsrc="samplemovie.avi" alt="" controls="controls" align="left" vspace="20" />

In terms of browser support, it is difficult to come up with a best bet for simple Web video. AVI might appear to be easy to use, but the size and quality of AVI video files makes the format far from ideal. Furthermore, the format isn't necessarily supported natively by all browsers on all operating systems. As an alternative, you might consider QuickTime, though it too has issues and is presented primarily to show readers the flavor of how download-and-play video can be included in a page.


The QuickTime format was designed by Apple to provide the framework for the synchronization of time-based data in a variety of formats, including video, sound, MIDI, and even text. Although it was developed by Apple, it is now supported on PC platforms as well. An interesting aspect of QuickTime is that it can work with different video compression codecs, such as Cinepack, Indeo, MPEG, and even exotic fractal compression codecs. By itself, QuickTime with standard Cinepack encoding lacks the small file size of MPEG or proprietary video files, but the quality of QuickTime files is high. Creating or editing QuickTime files is relatively easy using tools such as the popular Adobe Premiere package.


Windows users are required to install QuickTime services for their operating system.

The basic syntax for the nonstandard <embed> tag using the QuickTime plug-in is as follows:

<embed src="URL of QuickTime object" align="top bottom center baseline left right texttop middle absmiddle absbottom" autoplay="true false" cache="true false" controller="true false" height="pixels or percentage" hidden href="URL of page to load" hspace="pixels" loop="true false palindrome" playeveryframe="true false" pluginspage="URL of page with plug-in information" scale="tofit aspect number" target="valid frame name" volume="0 - 100" vspace="pixels" width="pixels or percentage">

The following lists and describes the key attributes in the preceding syntax:

The following example illustrates only the most basic use of the QuickTime plug-in:

<embed src="" width="180" height="178" autoplay="true" align="left" hspace="12" vspace="20"> </embed>

In this case, you can see the use of the Netscape <embed> style syntax. You can also use the <object> style syntax like so:

<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="240" height="152" codebase=" qtactivex/,0,2,0"> <param name="type" value="video/quicktime" /> <param name="autoplay" value="true" /> <param name="src" value="" /> </object>

Combining the two is also possible so that you provide something for everybody. You can even add a <noembed> in and provide a fallback position for browsers without video support. Of course, this is somewhat simplistic and does not work properly. The reality is that browser detection and the use of JavaScript are generally required for careful browser and plug-in sensing.

<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="240" height="152" codebase=" qtactivex/,0,2,0"> <param name="type" value="video/quicktime" /> <param name="autoplay" value="true" /> <param name="src" value="" /> <embed src="" width="180" height="178" autoplay="true" align="left" hspace="12" vspace="20"> </embed> <noembed> <a href=""> Download Quicktime </a> </noembed> </object>

Interested readers are directed to Apple's QuickTime site ( for more information about using QuickTime video on the Web.

Streaming Video Choices

In addition to QuickTime, two other video choices are very commonly used online: RealVideo and WindowsMedia. Both are primarily streaming technologies. Generally, videos in either format are viewed in secondary windows rather than directly within a Web page. The general approach to their use is almost identical to audio files with either links to launch a file in an external player or a special launch file to display the content within a page. However, rather than cover the syntax, which changes extremely rapidly , readers should check the specific details of each technology at and

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