C Primer Plus (5th Edition)

I l @ ve RuBoard

The Linked List Versus the Array

Many programming problems, such as creating a list or a queue, can be handled with a linked list ”by which we mean a linked sequence of dynamically allocated structures ”or with an array. Each form has its strengths and weaknesses, so the choice of which to use depends on the particular requirements of a problem. Table 17.1 summarizes the qualities of linked lists and arrays.

Table  17.1. Comparing arrays to linked lists.

Data Form Pros Cons
Array Directly supported by C time Provides random access Size determined at compile time
    Inserting and deleting elements is time-consuming
Linked List Size determined during runtime No random access
  Inserting and deleting elements is quick User must provide programming support

Take a closer look at the process of inserting and deleting elements. To insert an element in an array, you have to move elements to make way for the new element, as shown in Figure 17.9. The closer to the front the new element goes, the more elements have to be moved. To insert a node in a linked list, however, you just have to assign values to two pointers, as shown in Figure 17.10. Similarly, removing an element from an array involves a wholesale relocation of elements, but removing a node from a linked list involves resetting a pointer and freeing the memory used by the deleted node.

Figure 17.9. Inserting an element into an array.

Figure 17.10. Inserting an element into a linked list.

Next , consider how to access the members of a list. With an array, you can use the array index to access any element immediately. This is called random access . With a linked list, you have to start at the top of the list, and then move from node to node until you get to the node you want, which is termed sequential access . You can have sequential access with an array, too. Just increment the array index by one step each to move through the array in order. For some situations, sequential access is sufficient. For instance, if you want to display every item in a list, sequential access is fine. Other situations greatly favor random access, as you will see next.

Suppose you want to search a list for a particular item. One algorithm is to start at the beginning of the list and search through it in sequence, called a sequential search . If the items aren't arranged in some sort of order, a sequential search is about all you can do. If the sought-for item isn't in the list, you'll have to look at every item in the list before concluding the item isn't there.

You can improve the sequential search by sorting the list first. That way, you can terminate a search if you haven't found an item by the time you reach an item that would come later. For instance, suppose you're seeking Susan in an alphabetical list. Starting from the top of the list, you look at each item and eventually encounter Sylvia without finding Susan . At that point you can quit searching because Susan , if in the list, would precede Sylvia . On average, this method would cut search times in half for attempting to find items not in the list.

With an ordered list, you can do much better than a sequential search by using the binary search method. Here's how it works. First, call the list item you want to find the goal and assume the list is in alphabetical order. Next, pick the item halfway down the list and compare it to the goal. If the two are the same, the search is over. If the list item comes before the goal alphabetically, the goal, if it's in the list, must be in the second half. If the list item follows the goal alphabetically , the goal must be in the first half. Either way, the comparison rules out half the list as a place to search. Next, apply the method again. That is, choose an item midway in the half of the list that remains. Again, this method either finds the item or rules out half the remaining list. Proceed in this fashion until you find the item or until you've eliminated the whole list (see Figure 17.11). This method is quite efficient. Suppose, for example, that the list is 127 items long. A sequential search, on the average, would take 64 comparisons before finding an item or ruling out its presence. The binary search method, on the other hand, will take at most 7 comparisons. The first comparison prunes the possible matches to 63, the second comparison cuts the possible matches to 31, and so on, until the sixth comparison cuts down the possibilities to 1. The seventh comparison then determines if the one remaining choice is the goal or not. In general, n comparisons let you process an array with 2 n - 1 members, so the advantage of a binary search over a sequential search gets greater the longer the list is.

Figure 17.11. A binary search for Susan.

It's simple to implement a binary search with an array, for you can use the array index to determine the midpoint of any list or subdivision of a list. Add the subscripts of the initial and final elements of the subdivision and divide by 2. For instance, in a list of 100 elements, the first index is 0, the final index is 99, and the initial guess would be (0 + 99) / 2, or 49 (integer division). If the element having index 49 were too far down the alphabet, the correct choice must be in the range 0 “48, so the next guess would be (0 + 48) / 2, or 24. If element 24 were too early in the alphabet, the next guess would be (25 + 48) / 2, or 36. This is where the random access feature of the array comes into play. It enables you to jump from one location to another without visiting every location in between. Linked lists, which support only sequential access, don't provide a means to jump to the midpoint of a list, so you can't use the binary search technique with linked lists.

You can see, then, that the choice of data type depends on the problem. If the situation calls for a list that is continuously resized with frequent insertions and deletions but that isn't searched often, the linked list is the better choice. If the situation calls for a stable list with only occasional insertions and deletions but that has to be searched often, an array is the better choice.

What if you need a data form that supports frequent insertions and deletions and frequent searches? Neither a linked list nor an array is ideal for that set of purposes. Another form, the binary search tree, may be just what you need.

I l @ ve RuBoard
