QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X

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One of the challenges users on a network have is actually finding the specific FileMaker files they need to use. This is a no-brainer if you have only one FileMaker Pro solution with a single file, but over time your Hosts dialog can become quite crowded in multi- user situations. This is less problematic in FileMaker 7 than in previous versions, given that FileMaker 7 allows multiple tables per file and thus requires fewer files, but in large organizations or companies with many different FileMaker Pro files, a server list can be a bit daunting.

To offer a solution to this simple problem, we often build launch files . These are utility files that are distributed as single-user files and sit on each individual person's computer. They have generally one layout and one script that calls an open routine in a network file.


We generally put a solution logo and "system loading please wait " message on the single layout.

Although it's tempting to put other niceties in these launch files ”the capability to load clusters of files, or perhaps some sense of acknowledging the individual user logging in ”we encourage you to leave things as simple as possible. You'll have dozens of these files distributed on your network with no easy means of replacing them with upgrades. The simpler you keep them, the easier they will be to maintain.

A final nice touch on launch files is that they close themselves after launching the system in question. They're no longer needed and shouldn't have to clutter the W indow menu.

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