UNIX Shells by Example (4th Edition)

 <  Day Day Up  >  


  1. What does the init process do?

  2. What is the function of the login process?

  3. How do you know what shell you are using?

  4. How can you change your login shell?

  5. Explain the difference between the . cshrc /.tcshrc and .login files. Which one is executed first?

  6. Edit your .cshrc/.tcshrc file as follows :

    1. Create three of your own aliases.

    2. Reset your prompt.

  7. Set the following variables and put a comment after each variable explaining what it does:

    noclobber # Protects clobbering files from redirection overwriting history ignoreeof savehist filec

  8. Type the following: source .cshrc source .tcshrc . What does the source command do?

  9. Edit your .login file as follows:

    1. Welcome the user .

    2. Add your home directory to the path if it is not there.

    3. Source the .login file.

  10. Type history . What is the output?

    1. How do you re-execute the last command?

    2. Now type echo a b c. Use the history command to re-execute the echo command with only its last argument, c .

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