An Introduction to Ultra Wideband Communication Systems

Chapter 5. Transmitter Design

Dennis Sweeney, Dong S. Ha, Annamalai Annamalai, and Sridharan Muthuswamy

In this chapter, we focus on two themes. We first describe some of the widely used signal generation techniques unique to UWB communication systems. This is followed by a comprehensive review of different modulation/signaling schemes for UWB transmission. Transmitters for UWB systems fall into two broad categories: impulse-based communication (I-UWB) and multicarrier-based modulation (MC-UWB). While their construction is quite different, they do share problems common to any broadband system, such as signal fidelity during wideband amplification.

The organization of this chapter is as follows. In Sections 5.1 and 5.2 we describe several signal generators and modulators for I-UWB. Section 5.3 illustrates different modulation formats for the transmission of I-UWB signals. Section 5.4 describes multicarrier (MC) modulation for UWB systems. Section 5.5 examines transmitter structure for spectrally encoded UWB systems and discusses its merits and implementation issues. In Section 5.6 we provide some concluding remarks.
