Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours)
Each workbook that you create in Excel can be saved with a unique, meaningful name . Filenames can contain up to 256 characters and include both uppercase and lowercase letters , spaces, and punctuation. However, just because you can use up to 256 characters doesn't mean that each filename should be a long, rambling sentence . Filenames that are too long are almost as frustrating as filenames that are too short! Try to use as few words as possible to name your workbooks.
File Extensions Tell a Tale
You might have noticed when you saved the practice file that Excel assigned a period character and then a three-letter suffix at the end of the filename. The software program generally assigns file extensions. Excel workbook files are assigned the extension .XLS by default.
The extension on a filename is a road map for Windows. When you open a file, Windows uses the file extension to determine which program that file belongs to. Table 3.2 shows the most common file extensions used by Excel and explains a bit about them. Table 3.2. Excel File Extensions