JNCIP: Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional Study Guide
for confederations, 402–404, 403–404
configuring, 411–413
with physical interfaces, 444
C-bit parity, 90
C1 peering, 487–488, 555–557
C2 peering, 484–486
call detail records (CDRs), 623
CAMEL (Customized Application of Mobile Enhance Logic), 626
candidate configurations, 624
candidate-RP-advertisements, 624
categories hierarchy in SNMP, 23
CB (Control Board), 626
CBR (Constant Bit Rate) parameter, 98–99
CCCs (circuit cross-connects), 624
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), 625
CDMA2000 transmission and backbone
technology, 624
CDRs (call detail records), 623
CE (customer edge) devices, 626
cell encapsulation mode, 90
cell tax, 624
CFM (cubic feet per minute), 624
channel service unit/data service unit
(CSU/DSU), 624
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
defined, 624
for PPP, 85–88
chassis alarm configuration, 33–34
chassis daemon (chassisd), 624
checksums in ATM, 90
CIDR (classless interdomain routing), 624
CIP (Connector Interface Panel), 625
circuit cross-connects (CCCs), 624
cisco-hdlc keepalives, 69, 71
Cisco-RP-Announce messages, 624
Cisco-RP-Discovery messages, 624
class of service (CoS), 624
classless interdomain routing (CIDR), 624
clear bgp damping command, 511
clear bgp neighbor command, 382, 542
clear interfaces statistics command, 121, 124
clear isis database command, 316
clear line command, 7
clear ospf neighbor command, 164
clearing terminal server sessions, 6–8
CLECs (Competitive Local Exchange
Carriers), 625
CLEIs (common language equipment
identifiers), 625
CLI (command-line interface), 625
client peers, 624
clients keyword, 23
CLNP (Connectionless Network Protocol), 625
clock selection and synchronization in NTP
configuring, 24–25, 50–51
defined, 640
verifying, 25–28
clocking with POS interfaces, 65
cluster-id keyword, 457
clusters in IBGP and, 390–392, 392–393
cluster IDs, 386–388
defined, 625
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 625
command completion, 625
command-line interface (CLI), 625
command prompts, hostnames for, 9
commit and-quit command, 9, 16
common language equipment identifiers (CLEIs), 625
defined, 625
in EBGP, 517–520
in IBGP, 429–435
community strings, 23
Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), 625
complete sequence number PDU (CSNP), 625
confederation AS, 402
confederation member AS, 402
confederations in IBGP, 402
configuring, 402–404, 403–404
C-BGP links, 411–413
subconfederation 65000, 404–408
subconfederations 65001 and 65002, 408–411
defined, 625
saving, 420
verifying, 413–420
configuration groups, 48–49
configuration mode, 625
configured hold times, 427
confirmed option, 402
connect state defined, 625
in IBGP authentication, 386
Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP), 625
Connector Interface Panel (CIP), 625
console connections for terminal servers, 3–5, 4
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) parameter, 98–99
constrained paths, 625
Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF)
algorithm, 625
context-sensitive help, 626
contributing routes, 626
Control Board (CB), 626
defined, 626
in IBGP route reflection, 393–394
CoS (class of service), 624
count function, 162
CPE (customer premises equipment), 626
craft interface mechanisms, 626
CRC with POS interfaces, 65
Create Identity File option, 13
CSNP (complete sequence number PDU), 625
CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path First) algorithm, 625
CSU compatibility mode, 90
CSU/DSU (channel service unit/data service unit), 624
cubic feet per minute (CFM), 624
customer edge (CE) devices, 626
customer premises equipment (CPE), 626
customer sites
in community tagging, 517–518
in route filtering, 526–529
Customized Application of Mobile Enhance Logic (CAMEL), 626
cut and paste in system configuration, 37–41
cut-off threshold in route damping, 505