Solaris Operating Environment Boot Camp


Solaris™ Operating Environment Boot Camp

By David Rhodes, Dominic Butler

Table of Contents
Chapter 15.  Dialing in with PPP

PPP works in conjunction with software components from various packages that are supplied with the operating system. In this chapter, we'll break them down into their different layers and describe how to build the connection from the ground up.

Some packages are described in more detail in other chapters, in which case we'll point you to the relevant one, but still show the commands we are running. The main components we'll be dealing with are as follows:

  • Service Access Facility Allows us to configure the port used by the modem with the correct properties such as speed, data bits, stop bits, and so on.

  • UUCP Provides the "database" files used for the connection, along with utilities that are used to automate and test the dial-in procedure.

  • PPP Configures the serial line to provide a virtual network, which runs TCP/IP over it.

