Debugging Applications for MicrosoftВ® .NET and Microsoft WindowsВ® (Pro-Developer)
What Comes with This Book's Sample Files?
As I've already mentioned, there's 6.9 MB of just source files. Considering that the source files alone are bigger than some commercial projects, I'm more than willing to bet that you're getting more source code with this book than any other .NET or Windows book ever published. There are over 20 utilities or libraries and over 35 example programs that show individual constructs. By the way, these numbers don't account for all the unit tests for the various utilities or libraries! Most of the code for the utility programs has been battle-tested in so many commercial applications that I lost count at over 800. I'm honored that so many companies have found my code good enough to use in their products and hope you use it as well.
Robert Lyon, the fantastic technical editor for this book, put together
Also with the sample files are the following Microsoft-supplied tools:
Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) version 2.6
Debugging Tools for Windows version 6.1.0017.2
I developed and tested all the projects with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Edition 2003. As for operating systems, I tested against Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1, and Windows Server 2003 RC2 (previously named Windows .NET Server 2003).
READ THIS! Windows 98/Me and ANSI Code
Because Microsoft Windows Me is outdated and there's only one of me, I dropped all support for any operating systems prior to Windows 2000. I was supporting only Windows 2000 and later, so I made the extra effort and converted all my code to UNICODE as well. I used the TCHAR.H macros and ensured that I left interfaces on libraries that supported ANSI characters. However, I didn't compile any of the code as ANSI/multibyte, so you might run into compilation problems or run-time bugs if you do.
In several of the native code utilities, I use the
If you're going to use any of my native code utilities, you'll need to move the included