VB.NET Language in a Nutshell

IDataObject.GetData Method




GetData( format [, autoconvert ])

format (required; String or Type object)

Field member of the DataFormats class (see later for more information on this) or a Type object representing the format of the data

autoconvert (optional; Boolean)

True to convert the data to the specified format

Return value

An Object that contains Clipboard data in the specified format


Retrieves the data of the given format, optionally converting the data format

Rules at a Glance


The following example extracts the text that is currently on the Clipboard:

' Declare IDataObject variable and get clipboard IDataObject Dim di As IDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject Dim obj As Object ' Call GetData method of IDataObject object to get clipboard data obj = di.GetData(DataFormats.Text, False) ' Show the text, if any If obj Is Nothing Then MsgBox("No text on clipboard.") Else MsgBox(CStr(obj)) End If

See Also

IDataObject.GetDataPresent Method, IDataObject.GetFormats Method

