PC Users Bible

Some computer retailers include a monitor as part of their standard computer package, and others sell the monitor separately. Even if the computer is sold with a monitor as a combined deal, it's always possible to choose "no monitor" as a lower-cost option. When you buy a new computer to replace an existing machine, you can save some money by moving your old monitor to the new system. If you're ordering your computer through the mail or online, you may want to consider shopping for the monitor locally. This way, you can evaluate the quality of the image before you buy.

Unless you have a limited amount of space for your monitor (such as a kitchen counter), a bigger screen is almost always better. Whether you use the added on-screen real estate to display bigger text and pictures or to view more than one window at a time, a large screen makes your computing experience easier and more pleasant.

Over the lifetime of your computer, you spend a huge amount of time looking at the monitor's screen, so it's worth the extra expense to buy the best monitor you can afford. Along with additional memory, buying a monitor with a clean, sharp image is the most effective way to upgrade your computer.

Unless a very low price is more important than anything else, your new computer probably comes with a flat-panel, liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor. Flat-panel monitors occupy less space than the traditional cathode ray tubes (CRTs), and they consume less power, so they cost less to operate. For most users, an LCD monitor is the better choice. However, some inexpensive LCD screens tend to smear colors when they display moving images such as DVD movies and animated Web pages. It's almost always worth the extra money to buy a better-quality monitor.


Chapter 11 explains how monitors work and offers more advice about choosing the best monitor for your particular requirements.


When you turn on a monitor, it might take some time for the image to stabilize. Don't try to evaluate a monitor in a store display unless it has been operating for at least 20 minutes.
