PC Users Bible

The computer's power supply converts AC power from the domestic electrical service (power from a wall outlet) to the specific DC voltages that the CPU and other electronic circuits, and the motors of the disk drives, fans, and other mechanical devices, require to operate properly.

The power supply is usually located at the back of a tower or desktop case. Several sheet-metal screws hold the power supply to the case. The power supply often mounts on rails inside the case, next to a large hole in the back panel of the case that provides access to the AC power connector and the exhaust fan from the back of the computer. The back of the power supply might also include a small slide switch that selects the source voltage of either 117 VAC or 240 VAC, and a big master power switch that cuts off all AC power to the computer. Figure 4.2 shows the back of a desktop computer and identifies the power supply's location.

Figure 4.2: The power supply is located at the back of a computer's case.

Inside the computer, the power supply is a metal box with several bundles of wires connecting it to other components:


Some power supplies, including those in Dell computers manufactured between 1996 and 2000, do not use the standard color codes.

The label on your computer's power supply (shown in Figure 4.3) includes these important items:

Figure 4.3: The label on the power supply shows its maximum input and output ratings.

A power supply rated at 250–300 watts or more is probably adequate for most home and office users. However a server with four or more disk drives, a game machine tricked out with the latest and most powerful CPU and graphics controllers, or a high-powered sound card can consume as much as 500 watts or more. As a rule of thumb, if you replace an existing power supply, use a new one rated at the same or a larger number of watts.
