Game Design: Theory and Practice (2nd Edition) (Wordware Game Developers Library)


Gaia hypothesis, 416

Galaga , 58, 145

game design, xix, xxi, 42, 47, 78-79, 108, 115-116, 132, 140, 429

anticipatory, 10, 116-117, 205-206, 481

artificial intelligence, 152-153

by committee, 498

cohesion of, 518-519

copying, 321

creativity in, 134

evolution of, 30-31, 476

experimenting with, 343

focused, 228-230, 300-301

for multi-player games , 242-251

modifying, 290-291, 294, 340, 350-351, 412

modular, 324-325

open -ended, 242, 428

original, 321, 390

philosophy, 228, 512

process, 199, 259-260, 340, 447, 505-506

rules, 19, 115-116, 228

simplifying, 24

systems-based, 475-476, 480, 521-523

theory, xxii

unconventional, 267-268

vision, 32, 56, 70-71, 73, 77, 111, 497-499

working with limitations of, 224-225

game designers, xxi-xxii, 1-2, 109, 124, 217, 224, 239, 244, 291-293, 299, 380-381, 384, 387, 398, 405-406

and collaboration with player, 427, 500

and non- linearity , 123

and storytelling, 202, 203-204

as playtesters , 486

designer/programmers, 32, 109, 198, 291-293, 299, 339, 505

dream of, 534

focusing design, 78-79, 429

limiting player options, 338

motivations of, 534

personal preferences of, 140

understanding source of idea, 52-53

vs. programmers, 403-406

Game Developers Conference, 124, 168, 178, 243, 257, 265, 272, 383, 413

game engines, 41-45, 50, 83, 137, 182-183, 273, 286-287, 292, 304, 397-398, 469

game industry, 30-32, 108

state of, 272, 278-279, 343-344, 530

vs. film industry, 342, 343

game mechanics, 310, 467-468

changing to suit story, 48

focus on, 228-230

teaching player, 127-128, 130-131

testing, 484

understanding, 10

using to emphasize storytelling, 233-235

game minute, 316, 507, 508-509, 519

game sense, 96

Gamebryo, 287

GameFX, 192-193, 195

gameographies, 39, 114, 201, 280, 354, 448, 531

gameplay, xx-xxi, 41, 42, 143, 145, 242, 294-295, 316, 349, 361, 393, 462, 467-468, 470

analyzing, 18

and story, 42-43, 45-46

balancing, 401-402

consistency of, 474

continuous, 461

depth of, 33-34, 386-387, 478-479, 524

feel of, 286, 397

focus of, 386-387

goal of, 225

integrated, 508

just one more thing, 387

open-ended, 431-433

refining, 471

starting with, 42-43, 50-51, 51-52

styles/genres, 42

technology considerations, 42-45, 50-51

transparent, 508

understanding, 292-293

variation in classic arcade games, 58-59

vs. artificial intelligence, 163-164

vs. realism , 34-35, 267

vs. story, 224-225

gamers, see players and players, types of

games, 275-276, 413

addictive quality of, 26-27

analyzing, 2, 59, 75

antisocial nature of, 5

appeal of, 94

builder, 408

categories of, 37

collaborative nature of, 245-246, 340

comparing, 74-75, 85, 358-359

complex, 271

consequences in, 337-338, 480

consistent tone of, 508

creating, 286-291

designing, 259-260

difficulty level, 465

drawing players into, 128

dynamic nature of, 5

ease of entry, 34

educational, 445-446

elements of, 314

experimental, 177-178

feel of, 294-295, 469-470

formulaic, 282

historical, 7, 28, 34, 458

ideas for, 18, 41-47, 88, 447-448

implementing, 53-54

interactivity of, 5, 38

learning from, 2-3

length of, 242-243, 322

missions in, 480

modes, 364-365

multi-player, 237-256, 303-304, 437-438

naming, 73, 179

online, 437-444

original, 191, 282-283

pace of, 242

pausing, 242

personal, 32

player s expectations of, 8-18

player s understanding of, 414-415

playing during development process, 283

providing learning period in, 127-131

reacting to players, 235

reasons for playing, 2-8

refocusing, 80

repetitive, 15

rewinding, 335-336, 347

saving, 15-16, 335-336, 451-452

setbacks in, 14

simplifying, 495-497

single-player, 237, 238-239

social aspect of, 238, 437-438

stages in, 372-373

taking break from, 242-243

unforgiving, 246-247

unique approaches to, 414-415

unwinnable, 6, 59-60

vs. other media, 2

vs. other solitary experiences, 5

vs. software toy, 413

waves in, 372-373

writing, 173-174, 221-225

game-world, xxi, 371, 450-451 see also setting

3D, 344-345

abstract, 125

behavior in, 366-367

boundaries, 9-10, 126, 199

building, 393

consistency in, 8-9

constraints, 224, 326

editing, 398-400

fairness of, 14

familiarity with, 125-126

fantasy, 157

feedback from, 136-140

introducing, 127

landmarks in, 464

navigating, 218, 397-398, 466, 477-478

real-world, 157

rules of, 333, 347

seamless, 452

unpredictability of, 9-10

view of, 72, 137, 299, 365

gaming press, 531

gamma testing, 185

Garage Games, 178

Garriott, Richard, 254, 355, 505, 511

Gauntlet , 87, 97, 98 , 98-99, 107, 239

Gauntlet II , 87, 92, 100

Gauntlet Legends , 107

GenPlay Games, 106

genres, 21, 103, 510

Getaway , The , 138, 462

Gettysburg! , 20, 23, 27 , 28 , 27-30, 29 , 34-35, 35 , 134, 458

Gilbert, Ron, 229

Global Conquest , 269

glory /shame, 238, 250, 256

goal-less game, 11, 72

goals, 10-11, 71, 304, 384, 414, 463, 465

accomplishing incrementally, 11-12

of multi-player artificial intelligence, 245

of story, 458

god games, 42

Godfather, The , 533

gold master, 282

Goldberg, Rube, 323

Gollop, Julian, 115

Gone With the Wind , 188

good artists borrow , great artists steal, 140

Gordon, Bing, 530

Gorlin, Dan, 321

Gossip , 262, 267, 268

Graduate, The , 324

Grand Theft Auto , 106, 162, 462, 476, 478, 522

radio stations , 477, 481-482

Grand Theft Auto 2 , 476

Grand Theft Auto III , xvii, 212, 220, 464, 465, 475-482

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City , 212, 220, 476, 477, 479, 482

Grand Unified Game Theory, A, 124

graphic adventures , 181-182, 231

graphical games, 190, 197

graphical HUD, 138-139

graphics, 35, 54, 83-84, 181-182, 190-191, 412

Greek mythology, 41-42

green-light committee, 308

griefers, 442-443

Griffith, D.W., 322

Grim Fandango , 143, 200, 231, 294

Grossman, Austin, 506-507

GUI, 132, 137-139, 231-232, 366 see also interface

front-end, 366

games without, 137-138

poorly designed, 13

testing, 490

Guns & Butter , 269 , 269-270

Gunslinger , xvii, 45
